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Sessions are the underlying object that contains the state of a single KVDB connection to a server. This session contains both asynchronous and synchronous methods for interacting with the server, as well as methods for managing the session itself.

The underlying connection pools are managed by the KVDBClient class, which is a singleton that manages all sessions. This allows you to create multiple sessions with different configurations, but still share the same underlying connection pool, unless there is any configuration differences that would require a new connection pool.

API Reference

Bases: abc.ABC

The KVDB Session protocol

Initializes the KVDB Session

Source code in kvdb/components/
def __init__(
    name: str,
    url: Union[str, KVDBUrl],
    pool: SessionPools,
    db_id: Optional[int] = None,
    serializer: Optional[Union['SerializerT', str]] = None,
    encoder: Optional['Encoder'] = None,
    **kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
    Initializes the KVDB Session
    if isinstance(url, str): url = KVDBUrl(url) = name
    self.url = url
    self.pool = pool
    if db_id is not None and db_id != self.url.db_id:
        self.url = self.url.with_db_id(db_id)
    self.settings = settings
    self.logger = settings.logger
    self.autologger = settings.autologger
    self.init_serializer(serializer, **kwargs)
    self.init_encoder(encoder, **kwargs)
    self._version: Optional[str] = None
    self._persistence: Optional['PersistentDict'] = None
    self._persistence_ctx: Dict[str, 'PersistentDict'] = {}
    self._kwargs = kwargs

aclient property

aclient: kvdb.components.client.AsyncKVDB

[Async] The KVDB client

client property

client: kvdb.components.client.KVDB

[Sync] The KVDB client

db_id property

db_id: typing.Optional[int]

Returns the database ID

persistence property

persistence: lazyops.libs.persistence.PersistentDict

Returns the PersistentDict instance that utilizes the session's client

session_serialization_enabled property

session_serialization_enabled: bool

Returns whether session serialization is enabled which is determined by the pool's encoder serialization to be enabled

version property

version: str

Returns the version

__aenter__ async


Enter the runtime context related to this object.

Source code in kvdb/components/
async def __aenter__(self):
    Enter the runtime context related to this object.
    return self

__aexit__ async

__aexit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)

Close the session

Source code in kvdb/components/
async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
    Close the session
    await self.aclose()


__contains__(key: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT) -> bool

[Dict] Returns whether the key exists

Source code in kvdb/components/
def __contains__(self, key: KeyT) -> bool:
    [Dict] Returns whether the key exists
    return self.persistence.contains(key)


__delitem__(key: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT) -> None

[Dict] Deletes the key

Source code in kvdb/components/
def __delitem__(self, key: KeyT) -> None:
    [Dict] Deletes the key
    if settings.is_in_async_loop():
        return ThreadPooler.create_background_task(self.adelitem, key)
    return self.delitem(key)



Enter the runtime context related to this object.

Source code in kvdb/components/
def __enter__(self):
    Enter the runtime context related to this object.
    return self


    exc_type: (
        | None
    exc_val: BaseException | None,
    exc_tb: types.TracebackType | None,

On exit, close the session

Source code in kvdb/components/
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
    On exit, close the session


    key: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
) -> kvdb.components.session.ReturnT

[Dict] Returns the value for the given key

Source code in kvdb/components/
def __getitem__(self, key: KeyT) -> ResponseT:
    [Dict] Returns the value for the given key
    return self.getitem(key)


    key: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, value: typing.Any
) -> None

[Dict] Sets the value for the given key

Source code in kvdb/components/
def __setitem__(self, key: KeyT, value: Any) -> None:
    [Dict] Sets the value for the given key
    if settings.is_in_async_loop():
        return ThreadPooler.create_background_task(
            self.asetitem, key, value,
    return self.setitem(key, value)

aacl_cat async

    category: typing.Union[str, None] = None, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns a list of categories or commands within a category.

If category is not supplied, returns a list of all categories. If category is supplied, returns a list of all commands within that category.

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
if self._persistence is None:
    from .persistence import KVDBStatefulBackend
    persistence_config = self.settings.persistence.model_dump(exclude_none = True)
    persistence_kwargs = self.settings.persistence.extract_kwargs(_prefix = 'persistence_', _exclude_none = True, **self._kwargs)
    if persistence_kwargs: persistence_config.update(persistence_kwargs)
    if 'name' not in persistence_config: persistence_config['name'] =
    self._persistence = KVDBStatefulBackend.as_persistent_dict(
        session = self,

aacl_deluser async

    *username: str, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Delete the ACL for the specified usernames

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
    return self.client.execute_command(*args, **options)

async def aexecute_command(self, *args: Any, **options: Any) -> Any:
    Execute a command and return a parsed response

aacl_dryrun async

aacl_dryrun(username, *args, **kwargs)

Simulate the execution of a given command by a given username.

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
    return self._persistence

def execute_command(self, *args: Any, **options: Any) -> Any:
    Execute a command and return a parsed response

aacl_genpass async

    bits: typing.Union[int, None] = None, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Generate a random password value. If bits is supplied then use this number of bits, rounded to the next multiple of 4. See:

Source code in kvdb/components/
    return await self.aclient.execute_command(*args, **options)

Component Methods

aacl_getuser async

    username: str, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Get the ACL details for the specified username.

If username does not exist, return None

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
def create_persistence(
    name: Optional[str] = None,
    base_key: Optional[str] = None,
) -> 'PersistentDict':
    Create a new persistence instance

aacl_help async

aacl_help(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

The ACL HELP command returns helpful text describing the different subcommands.

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
# name = name or
# if name in self._persistence_ctx:
#     return self._persistence_ctx[name]

from .persistence import KVDBStatefulBackend

aacl_list async

aacl_list(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return a list of all ACLs on the server

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
persistence_config = self.settings.persistence.model_dump(exclude_none = True)
persistence_kwargs = self.settings.persistence.extract_kwargs(_prefix = 'persistence_', _exclude_none = True, **self._kwargs)
if persistence_kwargs: persistence_config.update(persistence_kwargs)
if 'name' not in persistence_config: persistence_config['name'] =
if base_key is not None: persistence_config['base_key'] = base_key

aacl_load async

aacl_load(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Load ACL rules from the configured aclfile.

Note that the server must be configured with the aclfile directive to be able to load ACL rules from an aclfile.

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
    Return a Publish/Subscribe object. With this object, you can
    subscribe to channels and listen for messages that get published to
    if retryable is None: retryable = self.settings.retry.pubsub_enabled
    return self.client.pubsub(retryable = retryable, **kwargs)

def apubsub(

aacl_log async

    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Get ACL logs as a list. :param int count: Get logs[0:count]. :rtype: List.

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
base_key = persistence_config.get('base_key')
if base_key in self._persistence_ctx:
    return self._persistence_ctx[base_key]
p = KVDBStatefulBackend.as_persistent_dict(
    session = self,
self._persistence_ctx[base_key] = p

aacl_log_reset async

aacl_log_reset(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Reset ACL logs. :rtype: Boolean.

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
    return p

def pubsub(
    retryable: Optional[bool] = None,
) -> PubSubT:

aacl_save async

aacl_save(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Save ACL rules to the configured aclfile.

Note that the server must be configured with the aclfile directive to be able to save ACL rules to an aclfile.

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
    retryable: Optional[bool] = None,
) -> AsyncPubSubT:
    Return a Publish/Subscribe object. With this object, you can
    subscribe to channels and listen for messages that get published to
    if retryable is None: retryable = self.settings.retry.pubsub_enabled
    return self.aclient.pubsub(retryable = retryable, **kwargs)

aacl_setuser async

    username: str,
    enabled: bool = False,
    nopass: bool = False,
    passwords: typing.Union[
        str, typing.Iterable[str], None
    ] = None,
    hashed_passwords: typing.Union[
        str, typing.Iterable[str], None
    ] = None,
    categories: typing.Optional[
    ] = None,
    commands: typing.Optional[typing.Iterable[str]] = None,
    keys: typing.Optional[
    ] = None,
    channels: typing.Optional[
    ] = None,
    selectors: typing.Optional[
            typing.Tuple[str, kvdb.types.generic.KeyT]
    ] = None,
    reset: bool = False,
    reset_keys: bool = False,
    reset_channels: bool = False,
    reset_passwords: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Create or update an ACL user.

Create or update the ACL for username. If the user already exists, the existing ACL is completely overwritten and replaced with the specified values.

enabled is a boolean indicating whether the user should be allowed to authenticate or not. Defaults to False.

nopass is a boolean indicating whether the can authenticate without a password. This cannot be True if passwords are also specified.

passwords if specified is a list of plain text passwords to add to or remove from the user. Each password must be prefixed with a '+' to add or a '-' to remove. For convenience, the value of passwords can be a simple prefixed string when adding or removing a single password.

hashed_passwords if specified is a list of SHA-256 hashed passwords to add to or remove from the user. Each hashed password must be prefixed with a '+' to add or a '-' to remove. For convenience, the value of hashed_passwords can be a simple prefixed string when adding or removing a single password.

categories if specified is a list of strings representing category permissions. Each string must be prefixed with either a '+' to add the category permission or a '-' to remove the category permission.

commands if specified is a list of strings representing command permissions. Each string must be prefixed with either a '+' to add the command permission or a '-' to remove the command permission.

keys if specified is a list of key patterns to grant the user access to. Keys patterns allow '' to support wildcard matching. For example, '' grants access to all keys while 'cache:*' grants access to all keys that are prefixed with 'cache:'. keys should not be prefixed with a '~'.

reset is a boolean indicating whether the user should be fully reset prior to applying the new ACL. Setting this to True will remove all existing passwords, flags and privileges from the user and then apply the specified rules. If this is False, the user's existing passwords, flags and privileges will be kept and any new specified rules will be applied on top.

reset_keys is a boolean indicating whether the user's key permissions should be reset prior to applying any new key permissions specified in keys. If this is False, the user's existing key permissions will be kept and any new specified key permissions will be applied on top.

reset_channels is a boolean indicating whether the user's channel permissions should be reset prior to applying any new channel permissions specified in channels.If this is False, the user's existing channel permissions will be kept and any new specified channel permissions will be applied on top.

reset_passwords is a boolean indicating whether to remove all existing passwords and the 'nopass' flag from the user prior to applying any new passwords specified in 'passwords' or 'hashed_passwords'. If this is False, the user's existing passwords and 'nopass' status will be kept and any new specified passwords or hashed_passwords will be applied on top.

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
PubSub Utility Methods

def pipeline(
    transaction: Optional[bool] = True, 
    shard_hint: Optional[str] = None, 
    retryable: Optional[bool] = None,
) -> PipelineT:
    Return a new pipeline object that can queue multiple commands for
    later execution. ``transaction`` indicates whether all commands
    should be executed atomically. Apart from making a group of operations
    atomic, pipelines are useful for reducing the back-and-forth overhead
    between the client and server.
    if retryable is None: retryable = self.settings.retry.pipeline_enabled
    return self.client.pipeline(transaction = transaction, shard_hint = shard_hint, retryable = retryable)

def apipeline(
    transaction: Optional[bool] = True, 
    shard_hint: Optional[str] = None, 
    retryable: Optional[bool] = None,
) -> AsyncPipelineT:
    Return a new pipeline object that can queue multiple commands for
    later execution. ``transaction`` indicates whether all commands
    should be executed atomically. Apart from making a group of operations
    atomic, pipelines are useful for reducing the back-and-forth overhead
    between the client and server.
    if retryable is None: retryable = self.settings.retry.pipeline_enabled
    return self.aclient.pipeline(transaction = transaction, shard_hint = shard_hint, retryable = retryable)

def lock(
    name: str, 
    timeout: Optional[Number] = None,
    sleep: Optional[Number] = 0.1,
    blocking: Optional[bool] = True,
    blocking_timeout: Optional[Number] = None,
    thread_local: Optional[bool] = True,
) -> Lock:
    Create a new Lock instance named ``name`` using the Redis client
    supplied by ``keydb``.

    ``timeout`` indicates a maximum life for the lock in seconds.
    By default, it will remain locked until release() is called.
    ``timeout`` can be specified as a float or integer, both representing
    the number of seconds to wait.

    ``sleep`` indicates the amount of time to sleep in seconds per loop
    iteration when the lock is in blocking mode and another client is
    currently holding the lock.

    ``blocking`` indicates whether calling ``acquire`` should block until
    the lock has been acquired or to fail immediately, causing ``acquire``
    to return False and the lock not being acquired. Defaults to True.
    Note this value can be overridden by passing a ``blocking``
    argument to ``acquire``.

aacl_users async

aacl_users(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns a list of all registered users on the server.

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
``blocking_timeout`` indicates the maximum amount of time in seconds to
spend trying to acquire the lock. A value of ``None`` indicates
continue trying forever. ``blocking_timeout`` can be specified as a
float or integer, both representing the number of seconds to wait.

aacl_whoami async

aacl_whoami(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Get the username for the current connection

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
``thread_local`` indicates whether the lock token is placed in
thread-local storage. By default, the token is placed in thread local
storage so that a thread only sees its token, not a token set by
another thread. 

aappend async

    key: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    value: redis.typing.EncodableT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Appends the string value to the value at key. If key doesn't already exist, create it with a value of value. Returns the new length of the value at key.

For more information see

aauth async

    password: str,
    username: typing.Optional[str] = None,

Authenticates the user. If you do not pass username, Redis will try to authenticate for the "default" user. If you do pass username, it will authenticate for the given user. For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
        timeout = timeout, 
        sleep = sleep, 
        blocking = blocking, 
        blocking_timeout = blocking_timeout, 
        thread_local = thread_local
if self.state.lock is None: self.state.lock = self.state.locks[name]

abgrewriteaof async


Tell the Redis server to rewrite the AOF file from data in memory.

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
    return self.state.locks[name]

def alock(
    name: str, 

abgsave async

    schedule: bool = True, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Tell the Redis server to save its data to disk. Unlike save(), this method is asynchronous and returns immediately.

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
    timeout: Optional[Number] = None,
    sleep: Number = 0.1,
    blocking: bool = True,
    blocking_timeout: Optional[Number] = None,
    thread_local: bool = True,
) -> AsyncLock:

abitcount async

    key: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    start: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    end: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    mode: typing.Optional[str] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns the count of set bits in the value of key. Optional start and end parameters indicate which bytes to consider

For more information see

abitfield async

    key: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    default_overflow: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.BitFieldOperation

Return a BitFieldOperation instance to conveniently construct one or more bitfield operations on key.

For more information see

abitfield_ro async

    key: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    encoding: str,
    offset: redis.typing.BitfieldOffsetT,
    items: typing.Optional[list] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return an array of the specified bitfield values where the first value is found using encoding and offset parameters and remaining values are result of corresponding encoding/offset pairs in optional list items Read-only variant of the BITFIELD command.

For more information see

abitop async

    operation: str,
    dest: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    *keys: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Perform a bitwise operation using operation between keys and store the result in dest.

For more information see

abitpos async

    key: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    bit: int,
    start: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    end: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    mode: typing.Optional[str] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return the position of the first bit set to 1 or 0 in a string. start and end defines search range. The range is interpreted as a range of bytes and not a range of bits, so start=0 and end=2 means to look at the first three bytes.

For more information see

ablmove async

    first_list: str,
    second_list: str,
    timeout: int,
    src: str = "LEFT",
    dest: str = "RIGHT",
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Blocking version of lmove.

For more information see

ablmpop async

    timeout: float,
    numkeys: int,
    *args: typing.List[str],
    direction: str,
    count: typing.Optional[int] = 1
) -> typing.Optional[list]

Pop count values (default 1) from first non-empty in the list of provided key names.

When all lists are empty this command blocks the connection until another client pushes to it or until the timeout, timeout of 0 blocks indefinitely

For more information see

ablpop async

    keys: typing.List, timeout: typing.Optional[int] = 0
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[list], list]

LPOP a value off of the first non-empty list named in the keys list.

If none of the lists in keys has a value to LPOP, then block for timeout seconds, or until a value gets pushed on to one of the lists.

If timeout is 0, then block indefinitely.

For more information see

abrpop async

    keys: typing.List, timeout: typing.Optional[int] = 0
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[list], list]

RPOP a value off of the first non-empty list named in the keys list.

If none of the lists in keys has a value to RPOP, then block for timeout seconds, or until a value gets pushed on to one of the lists.

If timeout is 0, then block indefinitely.

For more information see

abrpoplpush async

    src: str, dst: str, timeout: typing.Optional[int] = 0
) -> typing.Union[

Pop a value off the tail of src, push it on the head of dst and then return it.

This command blocks until a value is in src or until timeout seconds elapse, whichever is first. A timeout value of 0 blocks forever.

For more information see

abzmpop async

    timeout: float,
    numkeys: int,
    keys: typing.List[str],
    min: typing.Optional[bool] = False,
    max: typing.Optional[bool] = False,
    count: typing.Optional[int] = 1,
) -> typing.Optional[list]

Pop count values (default 1) off of the first non-empty sorted set named in the keys list.

If none of the sorted sets in keys has a value to pop, then block for timeout seconds, or until a member gets added to one of the sorted sets.

If timeout is 0, then block indefinitely.

For more information see

abzpopmax async

    keys: redis.typing.KeysT,
    timeout: redis.typing.TimeoutSecT = 0,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

ZPOPMAX a value off of the first non-empty sorted set named in the keys list.

If none of the sorted sets in keys has a value to ZPOPMAX, then block for timeout seconds, or until a member gets added to one of the sorted sets.

If timeout is 0, then block indefinitely.

For more information see

abzpopmin async

    keys: redis.typing.KeysT,
    timeout: redis.typing.TimeoutSecT = 0,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

ZPOPMIN a value off of the first non-empty sorted set named in the keys list.

If none of the sorted sets in keys has a value to ZPOPMIN, then block for timeout seconds, or until a member gets added to one of the sorted sets.

If timeout is 0, then block indefinitely.

For more information see


    category: typing.Union[str, None] = None, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns a list of categories or commands within a category.

If category is not supplied, returns a list of all categories. If category is supplied, returns a list of all commands within that category.

For more information see


    *username: str, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Delete the ACL for the specified usernames

For more information see


acl_dryrun(username, *args, **kwargs)

Simulate the execution of a given command by a given username.

For more information see


    bits: typing.Union[int, None] = None, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Generate a random password value. If bits is supplied then use this number of bits, rounded to the next multiple of 4. See:


    username: str, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Get the ACL details for the specified username.

If username does not exist, return None

For more information see


acl_help(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

The ACL HELP command returns helpful text describing the different subcommands.

For more information see


acl_list(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return a list of all ACLs on the server

For more information see


acl_load(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Load ACL rules from the configured aclfile.

Note that the server must be configured with the aclfile directive to be able to load ACL rules from an aclfile.

For more information see


    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Get ACL logs as a list. :param int count: Get logs[0:count]. :rtype: List.

For more information see


acl_log_reset(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Reset ACL logs. :rtype: Boolean.

For more information see


acl_save(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Save ACL rules to the configured aclfile.

Note that the server must be configured with the aclfile directive to be able to save ACL rules to an aclfile.

For more information see


    username: str,
    enabled: bool = False,
    nopass: bool = False,
    passwords: typing.Union[
        str, typing.Iterable[str], None
    ] = None,
    hashed_passwords: typing.Union[
        str, typing.Iterable[str], None
    ] = None,
    categories: typing.Optional[
    ] = None,
    commands: typing.Optional[typing.Iterable[str]] = None,
    keys: typing.Optional[
    ] = None,
    channels: typing.Optional[
    ] = None,
    selectors: typing.Optional[
            typing.Tuple[str, kvdb.types.generic.KeyT]
    ] = None,
    reset: bool = False,
    reset_keys: bool = False,
    reset_channels: bool = False,
    reset_passwords: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Create or update an ACL user.

Create or update the ACL for username. If the user already exists, the existing ACL is completely overwritten and replaced with the specified values.

enabled is a boolean indicating whether the user should be allowed to authenticate or not. Defaults to False.

nopass is a boolean indicating whether the can authenticate without a password. This cannot be True if passwords are also specified.

passwords if specified is a list of plain text passwords to add to or remove from the user. Each password must be prefixed with a '+' to add or a '-' to remove. For convenience, the value of passwords can be a simple prefixed string when adding or removing a single password.

hashed_passwords if specified is a list of SHA-256 hashed passwords to add to or remove from the user. Each hashed password must be prefixed with a '+' to add or a '-' to remove. For convenience, the value of hashed_passwords can be a simple prefixed string when adding or removing a single password.

categories if specified is a list of strings representing category permissions. Each string must be prefixed with either a '+' to add the category permission or a '-' to remove the category permission.

commands if specified is a list of strings representing command permissions. Each string must be prefixed with either a '+' to add the command permission or a '-' to remove the command permission.

keys if specified is a list of key patterns to grant the user access to. Keys patterns allow '' to support wildcard matching. For example, '' grants access to all keys while 'cache:*' grants access to all keys that are prefixed with 'cache:'. keys should not be prefixed with a '~'.

reset is a boolean indicating whether the user should be fully reset prior to applying the new ACL. Setting this to True will remove all existing passwords, flags and privileges from the user and then apply the specified rules. If this is False, the user's existing passwords, flags and privileges will be kept and any new specified rules will be applied on top.

reset_keys is a boolean indicating whether the user's key permissions should be reset prior to applying any new key permissions specified in keys. If this is False, the user's existing key permissions will be kept and any new specified key permissions will be applied on top.

reset_channels is a boolean indicating whether the user's channel permissions should be reset prior to applying any new channel permissions specified in channels.If this is False, the user's existing channel permissions will be kept and any new specified channel permissions will be applied on top.

reset_passwords is a boolean indicating whether to remove all existing passwords and the 'nopass' flag from the user prior to applying any new passwords specified in 'passwords' or 'hashed_passwords'. If this is False, the user's existing passwords and 'nopass' status will be kept and any new specified passwords or hashed_passwords will be applied on top.

For more information see


acl_users(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns a list of all registered users on the server.

For more information see


acl_whoami(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Get the username for the current connection

For more information see

aclient_getname async

aclient_getname(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns the current connection name

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/

def close_locks(
    names: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None,
    force: Optional[bool] = False,

aclient_getredir async

aclient_getredir(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns the ID (an integer) of the client to whom we are redirecting tracking notifications.


Source code in kvdb/components/
    raise_errors: Optional[bool] = False,
    Closes the locks that are currently managed by the session
    if names is None: names = list(self.state.locks.keys())
    if isinstance(names, str): names = [names]

aclient_id async

aclient_id(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns the current connection id

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
        if name in self.state.alocks:
            await self.state.alocks[name].release(force = force, raise_errors = raise_errors)
            del self.state.alocks[name]


aclient_info async

aclient_info(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns information and statistics about the current client connection.

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
storage so that a thread only sees its token, not a token set by
another thread. 
if name not in self.state.alocks:
    self.state.alocks[name] = AsyncLock(
        name = name, 

aclient_kill async

    address: str, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Disconnects the client at address (ip:port)

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
``sleep`` indicates the amount of time to sleep in seconds per loop
iteration when the lock is in blocking mode and another client is
currently holding the lock.

aclient_kill_filter async

    _id: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
    _type: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
    addr: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
    skipme: typing.Union[bool, None] = None,
    laddr: typing.Union[bool, None] = None,
    user: str = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Disconnects client(s) using a variety of filter options :param _id: Kills a client by its unique ID field :param _type: Kills a client by type where type is one of 'normal', 'master', 'slave' or 'pubsub' :param addr: Kills a client by its 'address:port' :param skipme: If True, then the client calling the command will not get killed even if it is identified by one of the filter options. If skipme is not provided, the server defaults to skipme=True :param laddr: Kills a client by its 'local (bind) address:port' :param user: Kills a client for a specific user name

Source code in kvdb/components/
``blocking`` indicates whether calling ``acquire`` should block until
the lock has been acquired or to fail immediately, causing ``acquire``
to return False and the lock not being acquired. Defaults to True.
Note this value can be overridden by passing a ``blocking``
argument to ``acquire``.

``blocking_timeout`` indicates the maximum amount of time in seconds to
spend trying to acquire the lock. A value of ``None`` indicates
continue trying forever. ``blocking_timeout`` can be specified as a
float or integer, both representing the number of seconds to wait.

``thread_local`` indicates whether the lock token is placed in
thread-local storage. By default, the token is placed in thread local

aclient_list async

    _type: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
    client_id: typing.List[redis.typing.EncodableT] = [],
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns a list of currently connected clients. If type of client specified, only that type will be returned.

:param _type: optional. one of the client types (normal, master, replica, pubsub) :param client_id: optional. a list of client ids

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
            timeout = timeout, 
            sleep = sleep, 
            blocking = blocking, 
            blocking_timeout = blocking_timeout, 
            thread_local = thread_local
    if self.state.alock is None: self.state.alock = self.state.alocks[name]
    return self.state.alocks[name]

Lock Utility Methods

aclient_no_evict async

    mode: str,
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[str], str]

Sets the client eviction mode for the current connection.

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
    return self.persistence.contains(key)

Class Object Methods

aclient_no_touch async

    mode: str,
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[str], str]

The command controls whether commands sent by the client will alter

the LRU/LFU of the keys they access.

When turned on, the current client will not change LFU/LRU stats,

unless it sends the TOUCH command.

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/

def close(self, close_pool: bool = False, force: Optional[bool] = None, raise_errors: bool = False):
    Close the session
    self.close_locks(force=force, raise_errors=raise_errors)
    if self.state.pubsub is not None:

aclient_pause async

    timeout: int, all: bool = True, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Suspend all the Redis clients for the specified amount of time.

For more information see

:param timeout: milliseconds to pause clients :param all: If true (default) all client commands are blocked. otherwise, clients are only blocked if they attempt to execute a write command. For the WRITE mode, some commands have special behavior: EVAL/EVALSHA: Will block client for all scripts. PUBLISH: Will block client. PFCOUNT: Will block client. WAIT: Acknowledgments will be delayed, so this command will appear blocked.

Source code in kvdb/components/
        return ThreadPooler.create_background_task(
            self.asetitem, key, value,
    return self.setitem(key, value)

def __getitem__(self, key: KeyT) -> ResponseT:
    [Dict] Returns the value for the given key
    return self.getitem(key)

def __delitem__(self, key: KeyT) -> None:
    [Dict] Deletes the key
    if settings.is_in_async_loop():

aclient_reply async

    reply: typing.Union[
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Enable and disable redis server replies.

reply Must be ON OFF or SKIP, ON - The default most with server replies to commands OFF - Disable server responses to commands SKIP - Skip the response of the immediately following command.

Note: When setting OFF or SKIP replies, you will need a client object with a timeout specified in seconds, and will need to catch the TimeoutError. The test_client_reply unit test illustrates this, and has a client with a timeout.


Source code in kvdb/components/
    for name in names:
        if name in self.state.locks:
            self.state.locks[name].release(force = force, raise_errors = raise_errors)
            del self.state.locks[name]

async def aclose_locks(
    names: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None,
    force: Optional[bool] = False,
    raise_errors: Optional[bool] = False,
    Closes the locks that are currently managed by the session
    if names is None: names = list(self.state.alocks.keys())
    if isinstance(names, str): names = [names]
    for name in names:

aclient_setinfo async

    attr: str, value: str, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Sets the current connection library name or version For mor information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
[Dict] Deletes the key
return await self.persistence.adelete(key)

aclient_setname async

    name: str, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Sets the current connection name

For more information see

.. note:: This method sets client name only for current connection.

If you want to set a common name for all connections managed by this client, use client_name constructor argument.

Source code in kvdb/components/
    key: KeyT,
) -> None:
    [Dict] Deletes the key
    return self.persistence.delete(key)

async def adelitem(
    key: KeyT,
) -> None:

aclient_tracking async

    on: bool = True,
    clientid: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    prefix: typing.Sequence[kvdb.types.generic.KeyT] = [],
    bcast: bool = False,
    optin: bool = False,
    optout: bool = False,
    noloop: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Enables the tracking feature of the Redis server, that is used for server assisted client side caching.

on indicate for tracking on or tracking off. The dafualt is on.

clientid send invalidation messages to the connection with the specified ID.

bcast enable tracking in broadcasting mode. In this mode invalidation messages are reported for all the prefixes specified, regardless of the keys requested by the connection.

optin when broadcasting is NOT active, normally don't track keys in read only commands, unless they are called immediately after a CLIENT CACHING yes command.

optout when broadcasting is NOT active, normally track keys in read only commands, unless they are called immediately after a CLIENT CACHING no command.

noloop don't send notifications about keys modified by this connection itself.

prefix for broadcasting, register a given key prefix, so that notifications will be provided only for keys starting with this string.


Source code in kvdb/components/
async def agetitem(
    key: KeyT,
    default: Optional[Any] = None,
) -> ResponseT:
    [Dict] Returns the value for the given key
    return await self.persistence.aget(key, default)

def setitem(
    key: KeyT,
    value: Any,
    ex: Optional[ExpiryT] = None,
    **kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
    [Dict] Sets the value for the given key
    return self.persistence.set(key, value, ex = ex, **kwargs)

async def asetitem(
    key: KeyT,
    value: Any,
    ex: Optional[ExpiryT] = None,
    **kwargs: Any,
) -> None:

aclient_tracking_off async

    clientid: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    prefix: typing.Sequence[kvdb.types.generic.KeyT] = [],
    bcast: bool = False,
    optin: bool = False,
    optout: bool = False,
    noloop: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Turn off the tracking mode. For more information about the options look at client_tracking func.


Source code in kvdb/components/
) -> ResponseT:
    [Dict] Returns the value for the given key
    return self.persistence.get(key, default)

aclient_tracking_on async

    clientid: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    prefix: typing.Sequence[kvdb.types.generic.KeyT] = [],
    bcast: bool = False,
    optin: bool = False,
    optout: bool = False,
    noloop: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Turn on the tracking mode. For more information about the options look at client_tracking func.


Source code in kvdb/components/
Dict-Like Interface Powered by `PersistentDict`

def getitem(
    key: KeyT,
    default: Optional[Any] = None,

aclient_trackinginfo async

) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns the information about the current client connection's use of the server assisted client side cache.


Source code in kvdb/components/
    [Dict] Sets the value for the given key
    return await self.persistence.aset(key, value, ex = ex, **kwargs)

def delitem(

aclient_unblock async

    client_id: int, error: bool = False, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Unblocks a connection by its client id. If error is True, unblocks the client with a special error message. If error is False (default), the client is unblocked using the regular timeout mechanism.

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
Dict-Like Interface

def __setitem__(self, key: KeyT, value: Any) -> None:
    [Dict] Sets the value for the given key
    if settings.is_in_async_loop():

aclient_unpause async

aclient_unpause(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Unpause all redis clients

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
        return ThreadPooler.create_background_task(self.adelitem, key)
    return self.delitem(key)

def __contains__(self, key: KeyT) -> bool:
    [Dict] Returns whether the key exists

aclose async

    close_pool: bool = False,
    force: typing.Optional[bool] = None,
    raise_errors: bool = False,

Close the session

Source code in kvdb/components/
async def aclose(self, close_pool: bool = False, force: Optional[bool] = None, raise_errors: bool = False):
    Close the session
    await self.aclose_locks(force=force, raise_errors=raise_errors)
    if self.state.apubsub is not None:
        await self.state.apubsub.close()
        self.state.apubsub = None

    if self.state.aclient is not None:
        await self.state.aclient.close()
        if close_pool: await self.state.aclient.connection_pool.disconnect(raise_errors = raise_errors)
        self.state.aclient = None

    if self.state.client is not None:
        if close_pool: self.state.client.connection_pool.disconnect(raise_errors = raise_errors)
        self.state.client = None

aclose_locks async

    names: typing.Optional[
        typing.Union[typing.List[str], str]
    ] = None,
    force: typing.Optional[bool] = False,
    raise_errors: typing.Optional[bool] = False,

Closes the locks that are currently managed by the session

Source code in kvdb/components/
async def aclose_locks(
    names: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None,
    force: Optional[bool] = False,
    raise_errors: Optional[bool] = False,
    Closes the locks that are currently managed by the session
    if names is None: names = list(self.state.alocks.keys())
    if isinstance(names, str): names = [names]
    for name in names:
        if name in self.state.alocks:
            await self.state.alocks[name].release(force = force, raise_errors = raise_errors)
            del self.state.alocks[name]

acommand_docs async

acommand_docs(*args) -> None

This function throws a NotImplementedError since it is intentionally not supported.

Source code in kvdb/components/
        if close_pool: self.state.client.connection_pool.disconnect(raise_errors = raise_errors)
        self.state.client = None

def __enter__(self):

acommand_getkeysandflags async

    *args: typing.List[str],
) -> typing.List[typing.Union[str, typing.List[str]]]

Returns array of keys from a full Redis command and their usage flags.

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
    await self.state.aclient.close()
    if close_pool: await self.state.aclient.connection_pool.disconnect(raise_errors = raise_errors)
    self.state.aclient = None

if self.state.client is not None:

acommand_list async

    module: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    category: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    pattern: typing.Optional[str] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return an array of the server's command names. You can use one of the following filters: module: get the commands that belong to the module category: get the commands in the ACL category pattern: get the commands that match the given pattern

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
async def aclose(self, close_pool: bool = False, force: Optional[bool] = None, raise_errors: bool = False):
    Close the session
    await self.aclose_locks(force=force, raise_errors=raise_errors)
    if self.state.apubsub is not None:
        await self.state.apubsub.close()
        self.state.apubsub = None

    if self.state.aclient is not None:

aconfig_get async

    pattern: redis.typing.PatternT = "*",
    *args: typing.List[redis.typing.PatternT],
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return a dictionary of configuration based on the pattern

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
    Enter the runtime context related to this object.
    return self

def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):

aconfig_resetstat async

) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Reset runtime statistics

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
async def __aenter__(self):
    Enter the runtime context related to this object.
    return self

aconfig_rewrite async

aconfig_rewrite(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Rewrite config file with the minimal change to reflect running config.

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
    Close the session
    await self.aclose()

aconfig_set async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    value: redis.typing.EncodableT,
    *args: typing.List[
            kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, redis.typing.EncodableT
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Set config item name with value

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
On exit, close the session

acopy async

    source: str,
    destination: str,
    destination_db: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
    replace: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Copy the value stored in the source key to the destination key.

destination_db an alternative destination database. By default, the destination key is created in the source Redis database.

replace whether the destination key should be removed before copying the value to it. By default, the value is not copied if the destination key already exists.

For more information see

adbsize async

adbsize(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns the number of keys in the current database

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
Class Wrap Methods

def _client_function(self, *args, _function: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) -> ResponseT:

adebug_object async

    key: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns version specific meta information about a given key

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
    [Sync] Wraps the client function
    return getattr(self.client, _function)(*args, **kwargs)

def _aclient_function(self, *args, _function: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) -> Awaitable[ResponseT]:

adecrby async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, amount: int = 1
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Decrements the value of key by amount. If no key exists, the value will be initialized as 0 - amount

For more information see

adelete async

    *names: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Delete one or more keys specified by names

adelitem async

adelitem(key: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT) -> None

[Dict] Deletes the key

Source code in kvdb/components/
async def adelitem(
    key: KeyT,
) -> None:
    [Dict] Deletes the key
    return await self.persistence.adelete(key)

adump async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return a serialized version of the value stored at the specified key. If key does not exist a nil bulk reply is returned.

For more information see

aecho async

    value: redis.typing.EncodableT, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Echo the string back from the server

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
    [Async] Wraps the client function
    return getattr(self.aclient, _function)(*args, **kwargs)


aeval async

    script: str, numkeys: int, *keys_and_args: list
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[str], str]

Execute the Lua script, specifying the numkeys the script will touch and the key names and argument values in keys_and_args. Returns the result of the script.

In practice, use the object returned by register_script. This function exists purely for Redis API completion.

For more information see

aeval_ro async

    script: str, numkeys: int, *keys_and_args: list
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[str], str]

The read-only variant of the EVAL command

Execute the read-only Lua script specifying the numkeys the script will touch and the key names and argument values in keys_and_args. Returns the result of the script.

For more information see

aevalsha async

    sha: str, numkeys: int, *keys_and_args: list
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[str], str]

Use the sha to execute a Lua script already registered via EVAL or SCRIPT LOAD. Specify the numkeys the script will touch and the key names and argument values in keys_and_args. Returns the result of the script.

In practice, use the object returned by register_script. This function exists purely for Redis API completion.

For more information see

aevalsha_ro async

    sha: str, numkeys: int, *keys_and_args: list
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[str], str]

The read-only variant of the EVALSHA command

Use the sha to execute a read-only Lua script already registered via EVAL or SCRIPT LOAD. Specify the numkeys the script will touch and the key names and argument values in keys_and_args. Returns the result of the script.

For more information see

aexecute_command async

    *args: typing.Any, **options: typing.Any
) -> typing.Any

Execute a command and return a parsed response

Source code in kvdb/components/
async def aexecute_command(self, *args: Any, **options: Any) -> Any:
    Execute a command and return a parsed response
    return await self.aclient.execute_command(*args, **options)

aexists async

    *names: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns the number of names that exist

For more information see

aexpire async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    time: kvdb.types.generic.ExpiryT,
    nx: bool = False,
    xx: bool = False,
    gt: bool = False,
    lt: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Set an expire flag on key name for time seconds with given option. time can be represented by an integer or a Python timedelta object.

Valid options are

NX -> Set expiry only when the key has no expiry XX -> Set expiry only when the key has an existing expiry GT -> Set expiry only when the new expiry is greater than current one LT -> Set expiry only when the new expiry is less than current one

For more information see

aexpireat async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    when: redis.typing.AbsExpiryT,
    nx: bool = False,
    xx: bool = False,
    gt: bool = False,
    lt: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Set an expire flag on key name with given option. when can be represented as an integer indicating unix time or a Python datetime object.

Valid options are

-> NX -- Set expiry only when the key has no expiry -> XX -- Set expiry only when the key has an existing expiry -> GT -- Set expiry only when the new expiry is greater than current one -> LT -- Set expiry only when the new expiry is less than current one

For more information see

aexpiretime async

aexpiretime(key: str) -> int

Returns the absolute Unix timestamp (since January 1, 1970) in seconds at which the given key will expire.

For more information see

afailover async

afailover() -> None

This function throws a NotImplementedError since it is intentionally not supported.

afcall async

    numkeys: int,
    *keys_and_args: typing.Optional[typing.List]
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[str], str]

Invoke a function.

For more information see

afcall_ro async

    numkeys: int,
    *keys_and_args: typing.Optional[typing.List]
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[str], str]

This is a read-only variant of the FCALL command that cannot execute commands that modify data.

For more information see

aflushall async

    asynchronous: bool = False, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Delete all keys in all databases on the current host.

asynchronous indicates whether the operation is executed asynchronously by the server.

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
def initialize_class_functions(cls):
    Initializes the class methods
    and sets them based on both the async and sync methods
    import inspect
    from makefun import create_function
    from redis.commands import (

aflushdb async

    asynchronous: bool = False, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Delete all keys in the current database.

asynchronous indicates whether the operation is executed asynchronously by the server.

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
    # RedisModuleCommands,

    # AsyncRedisModuleCommands,

existing_methods = set(dir(cls))

afunction_delete async

    library: str,
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[str], str]

Delete the library called library and all its functions.

For more information see

afunction_dump async

afunction_dump() -> (
    typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[str], str]

Return the serialized payload of loaded libraries.

For more information see

afunction_flush async

    mode: str = "SYNC",
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[str], str]

Deletes all the libraries.

For more information see

afunction_kill async

afunction_kill() -> (
    typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[str], str]

Kill a function that is currently executing.

For more information see

afunction_list async

    library: typing.Optional[str] = "*",
    withcode: typing.Optional[bool] = False,
) -> typing.Union[
    typing.Awaitable[typing.List], typing.List

Return information about the functions and libraries. :param library: pecify a pattern for matching library names :param withcode: cause the server to include the libraries source implementation in the reply

afunction_load async

    code: str, replace: typing.Optional[bool] = False
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[str], str]

Load a library to Redis. :param code: the source code (must start with Shebang statement that provides a metadata about the library) :param replace: changes the behavior to overwrite the existing library with the new contents. Return the library name that was loaded.

For more information see

afunction_restore async

    payload: str, policy: typing.Optional[str] = "APPEND"
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[str], str]

Restore libraries from the serialized payload. You can use the optional policy argument to provide a policy for handling existing libraries.

For more information see

afunction_stats async

afunction_stats() -> (
    typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[typing.List], typing.List]

Return information about the function that's currently running and information about the available execution engines.

For more information see

ageoadd async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    values: typing.Sequence[redis.typing.EncodableT],
    nx: bool = False,
    xx: bool = False,
    ch: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Add the specified geospatial items to the specified key identified by the name argument. The Geospatial items are given as ordered members of the values argument, each item or place is formed by the triad longitude, latitude and name.

Note: You can use ZREM to remove elements.

nx forces ZADD to only create new elements and not to update scores for elements that already exist.

xx forces ZADD to only update scores of elements that already exist. New elements will not be added.

ch modifies the return value to be the numbers of elements changed. Changed elements include new elements that were added and elements whose scores changed.

For more information see

ageodist async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    place1: redis.typing.FieldT,
    place2: redis.typing.FieldT,
    unit: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return the distance between place1 and place2 members of the name key. The units must be one of the following : m, km mi, ft. By default meters are used.

For more information see

ageohash async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    *values: redis.typing.FieldT
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return the geo hash string for each item of values members of the specified key identified by the name argument.

For more information see

ageopos async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    *values: redis.typing.FieldT
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return the positions of each item of values as members of the specified key identified by the name argument. Each position is represented by the pairs lon and lat.

For more information see

ageoradius async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    longitude: float,
    latitude: float,
    radius: float,
    unit: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
    withdist: bool = False,
    withcoord: bool = False,
    withhash: bool = False,
    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    sort: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
    store: typing.Union[
        kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, None
    ] = None,
    store_dist: typing.Union[
        kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, None
    ] = None,
    any: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return the members of the specified key identified by the name argument which are within the borders of the area specified with the latitude and longitude location and the maximum distance from the center specified by the radius value.

The units must be one of the following : m, km mi, ft. By default

withdist indicates to return the distances of each place.

withcoord indicates to return the latitude and longitude of each place.

withhash indicates to return the geohash string of each place.

count indicates to return the number of elements up to N.

sort indicates to return the places in a sorted way, ASC for nearest to fairest and DESC for fairest to nearest.

store indicates to save the places names in a sorted set named with a specific key, each element of the destination sorted set is populated with the score got from the original geo sorted set.

store_dist indicates to save the places names in a sorted set named with a specific key, instead of store the sorted set destination score is set with the distance.

For more information see

ageoradiusbymember async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    member: redis.typing.FieldT,
    radius: float,
    unit: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
    withdist: bool = False,
    withcoord: bool = False,
    withhash: bool = False,
    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    sort: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
    store: typing.Union[
        kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, None
    ] = None,
    store_dist: typing.Union[
        kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, None
    ] = None,
    any: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

This command is exactly like georadius with the sole difference that instead of taking, as the center of the area to query, a longitude and latitude value, it takes the name of a member already existing inside the geospatial index represented by the sorted set.

For more information see

ageosearch async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    member: typing.Union[redis.typing.FieldT, None] = None,
    longitude: typing.Union[float, None] = None,
    latitude: typing.Union[float, None] = None,
    unit: str = "m",
    radius: typing.Union[float, None] = None,
    width: typing.Union[float, None] = None,
    height: typing.Union[float, None] = None,
    sort: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    any: bool = False,
    withcoord: bool = False,
    withdist: bool = False,
    withhash: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return the members of specified key identified by the name argument, which are within the borders of the area specified by a given shape. This command extends the GEORADIUS command, so in addition to searching within circular areas, it supports searching within rectangular areas.

This command should be used in place of the deprecated GEORADIUS and GEORADIUSBYMEMBER commands.

member Use the position of the given existing member in the sorted set. Can't be given with longitude and latitude.

longitude and latitude Use the position given by this coordinates. Can't be given with member radius Similar to GEORADIUS, search inside circular area according the given radius. Can't be given with height and width. height and width Search inside an axis-aligned rectangle, determined by the given height and width. Can't be given with radius

unit must be one of the following : m, km, mi, ft. m for meters (the default value), km for kilometers, mi for miles and ft for feet.

sort indicates to return the places in a sorted way, ASC for nearest to furthest and DESC for furthest to nearest.

count limit the results to the first count matching items.

any is set to True, the command will return as soon as enough matches are found. Can't be provided without count

withdist indicates to return the distances of each place. withcoord indicates to return the latitude and longitude of each place.

withhash indicates to return the geohash string of each place.

For more information see

ageosearchstore async

    dest: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    member: typing.Union[redis.typing.FieldT, None] = None,
    longitude: typing.Union[float, None] = None,
    latitude: typing.Union[float, None] = None,
    unit: str = "m",
    radius: typing.Union[float, None] = None,
    width: typing.Union[float, None] = None,
    height: typing.Union[float, None] = None,
    sort: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    any: bool = False,
    storedist: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

This command is like GEOSEARCH, but stores the result in dest. By default, it stores the results in the destination sorted set with their geospatial information. if store_dist set to True, the command will stores the items in a sorted set populated with their distance from the center of the circle or box, as a floating-point number.

For more information see

aget async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return the value at key name, or None if the key doesn't exist

For more information see

agetbit async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, offset: int
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns an integer indicating the value of offset in name

For more information see

agetdel async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Get the value at key name and delete the key. This command is similar to GET, except for the fact that it also deletes the key on success (if and only if the key's value type is a string).

For more information see

agetex async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    ex: typing.Union[
        kvdb.types.generic.ExpiryT, None
    ] = None,
    px: typing.Union[
        kvdb.types.generic.ExpiryT, None
    ] = None,
    exat: typing.Union[
        redis.typing.AbsExpiryT, None
    ] = None,
    pxat: typing.Union[
        redis.typing.AbsExpiryT, None
    ] = None,
    persist: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Get the value of key and optionally set its expiration. GETEX is similar to GET, but is a write command with additional options. All time parameters can be given as datetime.timedelta or integers.

ex sets an expire flag on key name for ex seconds.

px sets an expire flag on key name for px milliseconds.

exat sets an expire flag on key name for ex seconds, specified in unix time.

pxat sets an expire flag on key name for ex milliseconds, specified in unix time.

persist remove the time to live associated with name.

For more information see

agetitem async

    key: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    default: typing.Optional[typing.Any] = None,
) -> kvdb.components.session.ReturnT

[Dict] Returns the value for the given key

Source code in kvdb/components/
async def agetitem(
    key: KeyT,
    default: Optional[Any] = None,
) -> ResponseT:
    [Dict] Returns the value for the given key
    return await self.persistence.aget(key, default)

agetrange async

    key: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, start: int, end: int
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns the substring of the string value stored at key, determined by the offsets start and end (both are inclusive)

For more information see

agetset async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    value: redis.typing.EncodableT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Sets the value at key name to value and returns the old value at key name atomically.

As per Redis 6.2, GETSET is considered deprecated. Please use SET with GET parameter in new code.

For more information see

ahdel async

    name: str, *keys: typing.List
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Delete keys from hash name

For more information see

ahello async

ahello() -> None

This function throws a NotImplementedError since it is intentionally not supported.

ahexists async

    name: str, key: str
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[bool], bool]

Returns a boolean indicating if key exists within hash name

For more information see

ahget async

ahget(name: str, key: str) -> typing.Union[

Return the value of key within the hash name

For more information see

ahgetall async

    name: str,
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[dict], dict]

Return a Python dict of the hash's name/value pairs

For more information see

ahincrby async

    name: str, key: str, amount: int = 1
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Increment the value of key in hash name by amount

For more information see

ahincrbyfloat async

    name: str, key: str, amount: float = 1.0
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[float], float]

Increment the value of key in hash name by floating amount

For more information see

ahkeys async

    name: str,
) -> typing.Union[
    typing.Awaitable[typing.List], typing.List

Return the list of keys within hash name

For more information see

ahlen async

    name: str,
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Return the number of elements in hash name

For more information see

ahmget async

    name: str, keys: typing.List, *args: typing.List
) -> typing.Union[
    typing.Awaitable[typing.List], typing.List

Returns a list of values ordered identically to keys

For more information see

ahmset async

    name: str, mapping: dict
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[str], str]

Set key to value within hash name for each corresponding key and value from the mapping dict.

For more information see

ahrandfield async

    key: str, count: int = None, withvalues: bool = False
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return a random field from the hash value stored at key.

count: if the argument is positive, return an array of distinct fields. If called with a negative count, the behavior changes and the command is allowed to return the same field multiple times. In this case, the number of returned fields is the absolute value of the specified count. withvalues: The optional WITHVALUES modifier changes the reply so it includes the respective values of the randomly selected hash fields.

For more information see

ahscan async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    cursor: int = 0,
    match: typing.Union[redis.typing.PatternT, None] = None,
    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Incrementally return key/value slices in a hash. Also return a cursor indicating the scan position.

match allows for filtering the keys by pattern

count allows for hint the minimum number of returns

For more information see

ahscan_iter async

    name: str,
    match: typing.Union[redis.typing.PatternT, None] = None,
    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
) -> typing.AsyncIterator

Make an iterator using the HSCAN command so that the client doesn't need to remember the cursor position.

match allows for filtering the keys by pattern

count allows for hint the minimum number of returns

ahset async

    name: str,
    key: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    value: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    mapping: typing.Optional[dict] = None,
    items: typing.Optional[list] = None,
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Set key to value within hash name, mapping accepts a dict of key/value pairs that will be added to hash name. items accepts a list of key/value pairs that will be added to hash name. Returns the number of fields that were added.

For more information see

ahsetnx async

    name: str, key: str, value: str
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[bool], bool]

Set key to value within hash name if key does not exist. Returns 1 if HSETNX created a field, otherwise 0.

For more information see

ahstrlen async

    name: str, key: str
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Return the number of bytes stored in the value of key within hash name

For more information see

ahvals async

    name: str,
) -> typing.Union[
    typing.Awaitable[typing.List], typing.List

Return the list of values within hash name

For more information see

aincrby async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, amount: int = 1
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Increments the value of key by amount. If no key exists, the value will be initialized as amount

For more information see

aincrbyfloat async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, amount: float = 1.0
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Increments the value at key name by floating amount. If no key exists, the value will be initialized as amount

For more information see

ainfo async

    section: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
    *args: typing.List[str],
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns a dictionary containing information about the Redis server

The section option can be used to select a specific section of information

The section option is not supported by older versions of Redis Server, and will generate ResponseError

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
# Async Methods
for amodule in {
    # AsyncRedisModuleCommands,
    # Core Commands
    for name in dir(amodule):
        if name.startswith('_'): continue
        aname = f'a{name}'
        # if aname == 'async': aname = 'asyncronize'

akeys async

    pattern: redis.typing.PatternT = "*", **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns a list of keys matching pattern

For more information see

alastsave async

alastsave(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return a Python datetime object representing the last time the Redis database was saved to disk

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
if aname in {
    'async', 'await'
    aname = f'{aname}_'
if aname in existing_methods: continue
# if name in skip_methods: continue
existing_func = getattr(amodule, name)

alatency_doctor async

alatency_doctor() -> None

Raise a NotImplementedError, as the client will not support LATENCY DOCTOR. This funcion is best used within the redis-cli.

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
existing_sig = inspect.signature(existing_func)
    new_func = create_function(
        functools.partial(cls._aclient_function, _function = name),
        func_name = aname,

alatency_graph async

alatency_graph() -> None

Raise a NotImplementedError, as the client will not support LATENCY GRAPH. This funcion is best used within the redis-cli.

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
        module_name = cls.__module__,
    setattr(cls, aname, new_func)
except Exception as e:

alatency_histogram async

alatency_histogram(*args) -> None

This function throws a NotImplementedError since it is intentionally not supported.

alatency_history async

    event: str,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns the raw data of the event's latency spikes time series.

For more information see

alatency_latest async

alatency_latest() -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Reports the latest latency events logged.

For more information see

alatency_reset async

    *events: str,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Resets the latency spikes time series of all, or only some, events.

For more information see

alcs async

    key1: str,
    key2: str,
    len: typing.Optional[bool] = False,
    idx: typing.Optional[bool] = False,
    minmatchlen: typing.Optional[int] = 0,
    withmatchlen: typing.Optional[bool] = False,
) -> typing.Union[str, int, list]

Find the longest common subsequence between key1 and key2. If len is true the length of the match will will be returned. If idx is true the match position in each strings will be returned. minmatchlen restrict the list of matches to the ones of the given minmatchlen. If withmatchlen the length of the match also will be returned. For more information see

alindex async

alindex(name: str, index: int) -> typing.Union[

Return the item from list name at position index

Negative indexes are supported and will return an item at the end of the list

For more information see

alinsert async

    name: str, where: str, refvalue: str, value: str
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Insert value in list name either immediately before or after [where] refvalue

Returns the new length of the list on success or -1 if refvalue is not in the list.

For more information see

allen async

    name: str,
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Return the length of the list name

For more information see

almove async

    first_list: str,
    second_list: str,
    src: str = "LEFT",
    dest: str = "RIGHT",
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Atomically returns and removes the first/last element of a list, pushing it as the first/last element on the destination list. Returns the element being popped and pushed.

For more information see

almpop async

    num_keys: int,
    *args: typing.List[str],
    direction: str,
    count: typing.Optional[int] = 1
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[list], list]

Pop count values (default 1) first non-empty list key from the list of args provided key names.

For more information see


    name: str,
    timeout: typing.Optional[
    ] = None,
    sleep: kvdb.types.generic.Number = 0.1,
    blocking: bool = True,
    blocking_timeout: typing.Optional[
    ] = None,
    thread_local: bool = True,
) -> kvdb.components.lock.AsyncLock

Create a new Lock instance named name using the Redis client supplied by keydb.

timeout indicates a maximum life for the lock in seconds. By default, it will remain locked until release() is called. timeout can be specified as a float or integer, both representing the number of seconds to wait.

sleep indicates the amount of time to sleep in seconds per loop iteration when the lock is in blocking mode and another client is currently holding the lock.

blocking indicates whether calling acquire should block until the lock has been acquired or to fail immediately, causing acquire to return False and the lock not being acquired. Defaults to True. Note this value can be overridden by passing a blocking argument to acquire.

blocking_timeout indicates the maximum amount of time in seconds to spend trying to acquire the lock. A value of None indicates continue trying forever. blocking_timeout can be specified as a float or integer, both representing the number of seconds to wait.

thread_local indicates whether the lock token is placed in thread-local storage. By default, the token is placed in thread local storage so that a thread only sees its token, not a token set by another thread.

Source code in kvdb/components/
def alock(
    name: str, 
    timeout: Optional[Number] = None,
    sleep: Number = 0.1,
    blocking: bool = True,
    blocking_timeout: Optional[Number] = None,
    thread_local: bool = True,
) -> AsyncLock:
    Create a new Lock instance named ``name`` using the Redis client
    supplied by ``keydb``.

    ``timeout`` indicates a maximum life for the lock in seconds.
    By default, it will remain locked until release() is called.
    ``timeout`` can be specified as a float or integer, both representing
    the number of seconds to wait.

    ``sleep`` indicates the amount of time to sleep in seconds per loop
    iteration when the lock is in blocking mode and another client is
    currently holding the lock.

    ``blocking`` indicates whether calling ``acquire`` should block until
    the lock has been acquired or to fail immediately, causing ``acquire``
    to return False and the lock not being acquired. Defaults to True.
    Note this value can be overridden by passing a ``blocking``
    argument to ``acquire``.

    ``blocking_timeout`` indicates the maximum amount of time in seconds to
    spend trying to acquire the lock. A value of ``None`` indicates
    continue trying forever. ``blocking_timeout`` can be specified as a
    float or integer, both representing the number of seconds to wait.

    ``thread_local`` indicates whether the lock token is placed in
    thread-local storage. By default, the token is placed in thread local
    storage so that a thread only sees its token, not a token set by
    another thread. 
    if name not in self.state.alocks:
        self.state.alocks[name] = AsyncLock(
            name = name, 
            timeout = timeout, 
            sleep = sleep, 
            blocking = blocking, 
            blocking_timeout = blocking_timeout, 
            thread_local = thread_local
    if self.state.alock is None: self.state.alock = self.state.alocks[name]
    return self.state.alocks[name]

alolwut async

    *version_numbers: typing.Union[str, float], **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Get the Redis version and a piece of generative computer art


Source code in kvdb/components/
            print(f"Error adding method: {name} -> {aname}")
            raise e

# print('Added Methods: ', added_methods)

alpop async

    name: str, count: typing.Optional[int] = None
) -> typing.Union[
    typing.Awaitable[typing.Union[str, typing.List, None]],
    typing.Union[str, typing.List, None],

Removes and returns the first elements of the list name.

By default, the command pops a single element from the beginning of the list. When provided with the optional count argument, the reply will consist of up to count elements, depending on the list's length.

For more information see

alpos async

    name: str,
    value: str,
    rank: typing.Optional[int] = None,
    count: typing.Optional[int] = None,
    maxlen: typing.Optional[int] = None,
) -> typing.Union[str, typing.List, None]

Get position of value within the list name

If specified, rank indicates the "rank" of the first element to return in case there are multiple copies of value in the list. By default, LPOS returns the position of the first occurrence of value in the list. When rank 2, LPOS returns the position of the second value in the list. If rank is negative, LPOS searches the list in reverse. For example, -1 would return the position of the last occurrence of value and -2 would return the position of the next to last occurrence of value.

If specified, count indicates that LPOS should return a list of up to count positions. A count of 2 would return a list of up to 2 positions. A count of 0 returns a list of all positions matching value. When count is specified and but value does not exist in the list, an empty list is returned.

If specified, maxlen indicates the maximum number of list elements to scan. A maxlen of 1000 will only return the position(s) of items within the first 1000 entries in the list. A maxlen of 0 (the default) will scan the entire list.

For more information see

alpush async

    name: str, *values: redis.typing.FieldT
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Push values onto the head of the list name

For more information see

alpushx async

    name: str, *values: redis.typing.FieldT
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Push value onto the head of the list name if name exists

For more information see

alrange async

    name: str, start: int, end: int
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[list], list]

Return a slice of the list name between position start and end

start and end can be negative numbers just like Python slicing notation

For more information see

alrem async

    name: str, count: int, value: str
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Remove the first count occurrences of elements equal to value from the list stored at name.

The count argument influences the operation in the following ways

count > 0: Remove elements equal to value moving from head to tail. count < 0: Remove elements equal to value moving from tail to head. count = 0: Remove all elements equal to value.

For more information see

alset async

    name: str, index: int, value: str
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[str], str]

Set element at index of list name to value

For more information see

altrim async

    name: str, start: int, end: int
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[str], str]

Trim the list name, removing all values not within the slice between start and end

start and end can be negative numbers just like Python slicing notation

For more information see

amemory_malloc_stats async

) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return an internal statistics report from the memory allocator.


amemory_purge async

amemory_purge(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Attempts to purge dirty pages for reclamation by allocator

For more information see

amemory_stats async

amemory_stats(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return a dictionary of memory stats

For more information see

amemory_usage async

    key: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    samples: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return the total memory usage for key, its value and associated administrative overheads.

For nested data structures, samples is the number of elements to sample. If left unspecified, the server's default is 5. Use 0 to sample all elements.

For more information see

amget async

    keys: redis.typing.KeysT, *args: redis.typing.EncodableT
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns a list of values ordered identically to keys

For more information see

amigrate async

    host: str,
    port: int,
    keys: redis.typing.KeysT,
    destination_db: int,
    timeout: int,
    copy: bool = False,
    replace: bool = False,
    auth: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Migrate 1 or more keys from the current Redis server to a different server specified by the host, port and destination_db.

The timeout, specified in milliseconds, indicates the maximum time the connection between the two servers can be idle before the command is interrupted.

If copy is True, the specified keys are NOT deleted from the source server.

If replace is True, this operation will overwrite the keys on the destination server if they exist.

If auth is specified, authenticate to the destination server with the password provided.

For more information see

amodule_list async

amodule_list() -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns a list of dictionaries containing the name and version of all loaded modules.

For more information see

amodule_load async

amodule_load(path, *args) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Loads the module from path. Passes all *args to the module, during loading. Raises ModuleError if a module is not found at path.

For more information see

amodule_loadex async

    path: str,
    options: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None,
    args: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Loads a module from a dynamic library at runtime with configuration directives.

For more information see

amodule_unload async

amodule_unload(name) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Unloads the module name. Raises ModuleError if name is not in loaded modules.

For more information see

amove async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, db: int
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Moves the key name to a different Redis database db

For more information see

amset async

    mapping: typing.Mapping[
        redis.typing.AnyKeyT, redis.typing.EncodableT
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Sets key/values based on a mapping. Mapping is a dictionary of key/value pairs. Both keys and values should be strings or types that can be cast to a string via str().

For more information see

amsetnx async

    mapping: typing.Mapping[
        redis.typing.AnyKeyT, redis.typing.EncodableT
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Sets key/values based on a mapping if none of the keys are already set. Mapping is a dictionary of key/value pairs. Both keys and values should be strings or types that can be cast to a string via str(). Returns a boolean indicating if the operation was successful.

For more information see

aobject async

    infotype: str, key: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return the encoding, idletime, or refcount about the key

aoverflow async

aoverflow(overflow: str)

Update the overflow algorithm of successive INCRBY operations :param overflow: Overflow algorithm, one of WRAP, SAT, FAIL. See the Redis docs for descriptions of these algorithmsself. :returns: a :py:class:BitFieldOperation instance.

apersist async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Removes an expiration on name

For more information see

apexpire async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    time: kvdb.types.generic.ExpiryT,
    nx: bool = False,
    xx: bool = False,
    gt: bool = False,
    lt: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Set an expire flag on key name for time milliseconds with given option. time can be represented by an integer or a Python timedelta object.

Valid options are

NX -> Set expiry only when the key has no expiry XX -> Set expiry only when the key has an existing expiry GT -> Set expiry only when the new expiry is greater than current one LT -> Set expiry only when the new expiry is less than current one

For more information see

apexpireat async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    when: redis.typing.AbsExpiryT,
    nx: bool = False,
    xx: bool = False,
    gt: bool = False,
    lt: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Set an expire flag on key name with given option. when can be represented as an integer representing unix time in milliseconds (unix time * 1000) or a Python datetime object.

Valid options are

NX -> Set expiry only when the key has no expiry XX -> Set expiry only when the key has an existing expiry GT -> Set expiry only when the new expiry is greater than current one LT -> Set expiry only when the new expiry is less than current one

For more information see

apexpiretime async

apexpiretime(key: str) -> int

Returns the absolute Unix timestamp (since January 1, 1970) in milliseconds at which the given key will expire.

For more information see

apfadd async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    *values: redis.typing.FieldT
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Adds the specified elements to the specified HyperLogLog.

For more information see

apfcount async

    *sources: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return the approximated cardinality of the set observed by the HyperLogLog at key(s).

For more information see

apfmerge async

    dest: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    *sources: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Merge N different HyperLogLogs into a single one.

For more information see

aping async

aping(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Ping the Redis server

For more information see


    transaction: typing.Optional[bool] = True,
    shard_hint: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    retryable: typing.Optional[bool] = None,
) -> kvdb.components.pipeline.AsyncPipelineT

Return a new pipeline object that can queue multiple commands for later execution. transaction indicates whether all commands should be executed atomically. Apart from making a group of operations atomic, pipelines are useful for reducing the back-and-forth overhead between the client and server.

Source code in kvdb/components/
def apipeline(
    transaction: Optional[bool] = True, 
    shard_hint: Optional[str] = None, 
    retryable: Optional[bool] = None,
) -> AsyncPipelineT:
    Return a new pipeline object that can queue multiple commands for
    later execution. ``transaction`` indicates whether all commands
    should be executed atomically. Apart from making a group of operations
    atomic, pipelines are useful for reducing the back-and-forth overhead
    between the client and server.
    if retryable is None: retryable = self.settings.retry.pipeline_enabled
    return self.aclient.pipeline(transaction = transaction, shard_hint = shard_hint, retryable = retryable)


    key: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    value: redis.typing.EncodableT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Appends the string value to the value at key. If key doesn't already exist, create it with a value of value. Returns the new length of the value at key.

For more information see

apsetex async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    time_ms: kvdb.types.generic.ExpiryT,
    value: redis.typing.EncodableT,

Set the value of key name to value that expires in time_ms milliseconds. time_ms can be represented by an integer or a Python timedelta object

For more information see

apsync async

apsync(replicationid: str, offset: int)

Initiates a replication stream from the master. Newer version for sync.

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/

    for name in dir(sync_module):
        if name.startswith('_'): continue
        if name in existing_methods: continue
        # if name in skip_methods: continue

apttl async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns the number of milliseconds until the key name will expire

For more information see

apublish async

    channel: redis.typing.ChannelT,
    message: redis.typing.EncodableT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Publish message on channel. Returns the number of subscribers the message was delivered to.

For more information see


    retryable: typing.Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs
) -> kvdb.components.pubsub.AsyncPubSubT

Return a Publish/Subscribe object. With this object, you can subscribe to channels and listen for messages that get published to

Source code in kvdb/components/
def apubsub(
    retryable: Optional[bool] = None,
) -> AsyncPubSubT:
    Return a Publish/Subscribe object. With this object, you can
    subscribe to channels and listen for messages that get published to
    if retryable is None: retryable = self.settings.retry.pubsub_enabled
    return self.aclient.pubsub(retryable = retryable, **kwargs)

apubsub_channels async

    pattern: redis.typing.PatternT = "*", **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return a list of channels that have at least one subscriber

For more information see

apubsub_numpat async

apubsub_numpat(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns the number of subscriptions to patterns

For more information see

apubsub_numsub async

    *args: redis.typing.ChannelT, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return a list of (channel, number of subscribers) tuples for each channel given in *args

For more information see

apubsub_shardchannels async

    pattern: redis.typing.PatternT = "*", **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return a list of shard_channels that have at least one subscriber

For more information see

apubsub_shardnumsub async

    *args: redis.typing.ChannelT, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return a list of (shard_channel, number of subscribers) tuples for each channel given in *args

For more information see

aquit async

aquit(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Ask the server to close the connection.

For more information see

arandomkey async

arandomkey(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns the name of a random key

For more information see

areadonly async

areadonly(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Enables read queries for a connection to a Redis Cluster replica node.

For more information see

areadwrite async

areadwrite(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Disables read queries for a connection to a Redis Cluster slave node.

For more information see

aregister_script async

    script: redis.typing.ScriptTextT,
) -> redis.commands.core.Script

Register a Lua script specifying the keys it will touch. Returns a Script object that is callable and hides the complexity of deal with scripts, keys, and shas. This is the preferred way to work with Lua scripts.

arename async

    src: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    dst: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Rename key src to dst

For more information see

arenamenx async

    src: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    dst: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,

Rename key src to dst if dst doesn't already exist

For more information see

areplicaof async

    *args, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Update the replication settings of a redis replica, on the fly.

Examples of valid arguments include:

NO ONE (set no replication) host port (set to the host and port of a redis server)

For more information see

areset async

areset() -> None

Reset the state of the instance to when it was constructed

arestore async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    ttl: float,
    value: redis.typing.EncodableT,
    replace: bool = False,
    absttl: bool = False,
    idletime: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    frequency: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Create a key using the provided serialized value, previously obtained using DUMP.

replace allows an existing key on name to be overridden. If it's not specified an error is raised on collision.

absttl if True, specified ttl should represent an absolute Unix timestamp in milliseconds in which the key will expire. (Redis 5.0 or greater).

idletime Used for eviction, this is the number of seconds the key must be idle, prior to execution.

frequency Used for eviction, this is the frequency counter of the object stored at the key, prior to execution.

For more information see

arole async

arole() -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Provide information on the role of a Redis instance in the context of replication, by returning if the instance is currently a master, slave, or sentinel.

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
Create a new Lock instance named ``name`` using the Redis client
supplied by ``keydb``.

``timeout`` indicates a maximum life for the lock in seconds.
By default, it will remain locked until release() is called.
``timeout`` can be specified as a float or integer, both representing
the number of seconds to wait.

arpop async

    name: str, count: typing.Optional[int] = None
) -> typing.Union[
    typing.Awaitable[typing.Union[str, typing.List, None]],
    typing.Union[str, typing.List, None],

Removes and returns the last elements of the list name.

By default, the command pops a single element from the end of the list. When provided with the optional count argument, the reply will consist of up to count elements, depending on the list's length.

For more information see

arpoplpush async

    src: str, dst: str
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[str], str]

RPOP a value off of the src list and atomically LPUSH it on to the dst list. Returns the value.

For more information see

arpush async

    name: str, *values: redis.typing.FieldT
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Push values onto the tail of the list name

For more information see

arpushx async

    name: str, *values: str
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Push value onto the tail of the list name if name exists

For more information see

asadd async

    name: str, *values: redis.typing.FieldT
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Add value(s) to set name

For more information see

asave async

asave(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Tell the Redis server to save its data to disk, blocking until the save is complete

For more information see

ascan async

    cursor: int = 0,
    match: typing.Union[redis.typing.PatternT, None] = None,
    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    _type: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Incrementally return lists of key names. Also return a cursor indicating the scan position.

match allows for filtering the keys by pattern

count provides a hint to Redis about the number of keys to return per batch.

_type filters the returned values by a particular Redis type. Stock Redis instances allow for the following types: HASH, LIST, SET, STREAM, STRING, ZSET Additionally, Redis modules can expose other types as well.

For more information see

ascan_iter async

    match: typing.Union[redis.typing.PatternT, None] = None,
    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    _type: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
) -> typing.AsyncIterator

Make an iterator using the SCAN command so that the client doesn't need to remember the cursor position.

match allows for filtering the keys by pattern

count provides a hint to Redis about the number of keys to return per batch.

_type filters the returned values by a particular Redis type. Stock Redis instances allow for the following types: HASH, LIST, SET, STREAM, STRING, ZSET Additionally, Redis modules can expose other types as well.

ascard async

    name: str,
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Return the number of elements in set name

For more information see

ascript_exists async

ascript_exists(*args: str) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Check if a script exists in the script cache by specifying the SHAs of each script as args. Returns a list of boolean values indicating if if each already script exists in the cache.

For more information see

ascript_flush async

    sync_type: typing.Union[
        typing.Literal["SYNC"], typing.Literal["ASYNC"]
    ] = None
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Flush all scripts from the script cache.

sync_type is by default SYNC (synchronous) but it can also be ASYNC.

For more information see

ascript_kill async

ascript_kill() -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Kill the currently executing Lua script

For more information see

ascript_load async

    script: redis.typing.ScriptTextT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Load a Lua script into the script cache. Returns the SHA.

For more information see

asdiff async

    keys: typing.List, *args: typing.List
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[list], list]

Return the difference of sets specified by keys

For more information see

asdiffstore async

    dest: str, keys: typing.List, *args: typing.List
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Store the difference of sets specified by keys into a new set named dest. Returns the number of keys in the new set.

For more information see

aselect async

    index: int, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Select the Redis logical database at index.


Source code in kvdb/components/
    module_name = cls.__module__,
setattr(cls, name, new_func)

aset async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    value: redis.typing.EncodableT,
    ex: typing.Union[
        kvdb.types.generic.ExpiryT, None
    ] = None,
    px: typing.Union[
        kvdb.types.generic.ExpiryT, None
    ] = None,
    nx: bool = False,
    xx: bool = False,
    keepttl: bool = False,
    get: bool = False,
    exat: typing.Union[
        redis.typing.AbsExpiryT, None
    ] = None,
    pxat: typing.Union[
        redis.typing.AbsExpiryT, None
    ] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Set the value at key name to value

ex sets an expire flag on key name for ex seconds.

px sets an expire flag on key name for px milliseconds.

nx if set to True, set the value at key name to value only if it does not exist.

xx if set to True, set the value at key name to value only if it already exists.

keepttl if True, retain the time to live associated with the key. (Available since Redis 6.0)

get if True, set the value at key name to value and return the old value stored at key, or None if the key did not exist. (Available since Redis 6.2)

exat sets an expire flag on key name for ex seconds, specified in unix time.

pxat sets an expire flag on key name for ex milliseconds, specified in unix time.

For more information see

asetbit async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, offset: int, value: int
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Flag the offset in name as value. Returns an integer indicating the previous value of offset.

For more information see

asetex async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    time: kvdb.types.generic.ExpiryT,
    value: redis.typing.EncodableT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Set the value of key name to value that expires in time seconds. time can be represented by an integer or a Python timedelta object.

For more information see

asetitem async

    key: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    value: typing.Any,
    ex: typing.Optional[kvdb.types.generic.ExpiryT] = None,
    **kwargs: typing.Any
) -> None

[Dict] Sets the value for the given key

Source code in kvdb/components/
async def asetitem(
    key: KeyT,
    value: Any,
    ex: Optional[ExpiryT] = None,
    **kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
    [Dict] Sets the value for the given key
    return await self.persistence.aset(key, value, ex = ex, **kwargs)

asetnx async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    value: redis.typing.EncodableT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Set the value of key name to value if key doesn't exist

For more information see

asetrange async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    offset: int,
    value: redis.typing.EncodableT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Overwrite bytes in the value of name starting at offset with value. If offset plus the length of value exceeds the length of the original value, the new value will be larger than before. If offset exceeds the length of the original value, null bytes will be used to pad between the end of the previous value and the start of what's being injected.

Returns the length of the new string.

For more information see

ashutdown async

    save: bool = False,
    nosave: bool = False,
    now: bool = False,
    force: bool = False,
    abort: bool = False,
) -> None

Shutdown the Redis server. If Redis has persistence configured, data will be flushed before shutdown. It is possible to specify modifiers to alter the behavior of the command: save will force a DB saving operation even if no save points are configured. nosave will prevent a DB saving operation even if one or more save points are configured. now skips waiting for lagging replicas, i.e. it bypasses the first step in the shutdown sequence. force ignores any errors that would normally prevent the server from exiting abort cancels an ongoing shutdown and cannot be combined with other flags.

For more information see

asinter async

    keys: typing.List, *args: typing.List
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[list], list]

Return the intersection of sets specified by keys

For more information see

asintercard async

    numkeys: int, keys: typing.List[str], limit: int = 0
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Return the cardinality of the intersect of multiple sets specified by `keys.

When LIMIT provided (defaults to 0 and means unlimited), if the intersection cardinality reaches limit partway through the computation, the algorithm will exit and yield limit as the cardinality

For more information see

asinterstore async

    dest: str, keys: typing.List, *args: typing.List
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Store the intersection of sets specified by keys into a new set named dest. Returns the number of keys in the new set.

For more information see

asismember async

asismember(name: str, value: str) -> typing.Union[
        typing.Union[typing.Literal[0], typing.Literal[1]]
    typing.Union[typing.Literal[0], typing.Literal[1]],

Return whether value is a member of set name: - 1 if the value is a member of the set. - 0 if the value is not a member of the set or if key does not exist.

For more information see

aslaveof async

    host: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
    port: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Set the server to be a replicated slave of the instance identified by the host and port. If called without arguments, the instance is promoted to a master instead.

For more information see

aslowlog_get async

    num: typing.Union[int, None] = None, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Get the entries from the slowlog. If num is specified, get the most recent num items.

For more information see

aslowlog_len async

aslowlog_len(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Get the number of items in the slowlog

For more information see

aslowlog_reset async

aslowlog_reset(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Remove all items in the slowlog

For more information see

asmembers async

    name: str,
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[typing.Set], typing.Set]

Return all members of the set name

For more information see

asmismember async

    name: str, values: typing.List, *args: typing.List
) -> typing.Union[
                typing.Literal[0], typing.Literal[1]
        typing.Union[typing.Literal[0], typing.Literal[1]]

Return whether each value in values is a member of the set name as a list of int in the order of values: - 1 if the value is a member of the set. - 0 if the value is not a member of the set or if key does not exist.

For more information see

asmove async

    src: str, dst: str, value: str
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[bool], bool]

Move value from set src to set dst atomically

For more information see

asort async

    name: str,
    start: typing.Optional[int] = None,
    num: typing.Optional[int] = None,
    by: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    get: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None,
    desc: bool = False,
    alpha: bool = False,
    store: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    groups: typing.Optional[bool] = False,
) -> typing.Union[typing.List, int]

Sort and return the list, set or sorted set at name.

start and num allow for paging through the sorted data

by allows using an external key to weight and sort the items. Use an "*" to indicate where in the key the item value is located

get allows for returning items from external keys rather than the sorted data itself. Use an "*" to indicate where in the key the item value is located

desc allows for reversing the sort

alpha allows for sorting lexicographically rather than numerically

store allows for storing the result of the sort into the key store

groups if set to True and if get contains at least two elements, sort will return a list of tuples, each containing the values fetched from the arguments to get.

For more information see

asort_ro async

    key: str,
    start: typing.Optional[int] = None,
    num: typing.Optional[int] = None,
    by: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    get: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None,
    desc: bool = False,
    alpha: bool = False,
) -> list

Returns the elements contained in the list, set or sorted set at key. (read-only variant of the SORT command)

start and num allow for paging through the sorted data

by allows using an external key to weight and sort the items. Use an "*" to indicate where in the key the item value is located

get allows for returning items from external keys rather than the sorted data itself. Use an "*" to indicate where in the key the item value is located

desc allows for reversing the sort

alpha allows for sorting lexicographically rather than numerically

For more information see

aspop async

    name: str, count: typing.Optional[int] = None
) -> typing.Union[str, typing.List, None]

Remove and return a random member of set name

For more information see

aspublish async

    shard_channel: redis.typing.ChannelT,
    message: redis.typing.EncodableT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Posts a message to the given shard channel. Returns the number of clients that received the message

For more information see

asrandmember async

    name: str, number: typing.Optional[int] = None
) -> typing.Union[str, typing.List, None]

If number is None, returns a random member of set name.

If number is supplied, returns a list of number random members of set name. Note this is only available when running Redis 2.6+.

For more information see

asrem async

    name: str, *values: redis.typing.FieldT
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Remove values from set name

For more information see

asscan async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    cursor: int = 0,
    match: typing.Union[redis.typing.PatternT, None] = None,
    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Incrementally return lists of elements in a set. Also return a cursor indicating the scan position.

match allows for filtering the keys by pattern

count allows for hint the minimum number of returns

For more information see

asscan_iter async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    match: typing.Union[redis.typing.PatternT, None] = None,
    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
) -> typing.AsyncIterator

Make an iterator using the SSCAN command so that the client doesn't need to remember the cursor position.

match allows for filtering the keys by pattern

count allows for hint the minimum number of returns

astralgo async

    algo: typing.Literal["LCS"],
    value1: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    value2: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    specific_argument: typing.Union[
        typing.Literal["strings"], typing.Literal["keys"]
    ] = "strings",
    len: bool = False,
    idx: bool = False,
    minmatchlen: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    withmatchlen: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Implements complex algorithms that operate on strings. Right now the only algorithm implemented is the LCS algorithm (longest common substring). However new algorithms could be implemented in the future.

algo Right now must be LCS value1 and value2 Can be two strings or two keys specific_argument Specifying if the arguments to the algorithm will be keys or strings. strings is the default. len Returns just the len of the match. idx Returns the match positions in each string. minmatchlen Restrict the list of matches to the ones of a given minimal length. Can be provided only when idx set to True. withmatchlen Returns the matches with the len of the match. Can be provided only when idx set to True.

For more information see

astrlen async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return the number of bytes stored in the value of name

For more information see

asubstr async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, start: int, end: int = -1
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return a substring of the string at key name. start and end are 0-based integers specifying the portion of the string to return.

asunion async

    keys: typing.List, *args: typing.List
) -> typing.Union[
    typing.Awaitable[typing.List], typing.List

Return the union of sets specified by keys

For more information see

asunionstore async

    dest: str, keys: typing.List, *args: typing.List
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Store the union of sets specified by keys into a new set named dest. Returns the number of keys in the new set.

For more information see

aswapdb async

    first: int, second: int, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Swap two databases

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
existing_func = getattr(sync_module, name)
existing_sig = inspect.signature(existing_func)
new_func = create_function(
    functools.partial(cls._client_function, _function = name),
    func_name = name,

async_ async

async_() -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Initiates a replication stream from the master.

For more information see

Source code in kvdb/components/
added_methods = set()

# Sync Methods
for sync_module in {
    # RedisModuleCommands,

atfcall async

    lib_name: str,
    func_name: str,
    keys: redis.typing.KeysT = None,
    *args: typing.List
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Invoke a function.

lib_name - the library name contains the function. func_name - the function name to run. keys - the keys that will be touched by the function. args - Additional argument to pass to the function.

For more information see

atfcall_async async

    lib_name: str,
    func_name: str,
    keys: redis.typing.KeysT = None,
    *args: typing.List
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Invoke an async function (coroutine).

lib_name - the library name contains the function. func_name - the function name to run. keys - the keys that will be touched by the function. args - Additional argument to pass to the function.

For more information see

atfunction_delete async

    lib_name: str,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Delete a library from RedisGears.

lib_name the library name to delete.

For more information see

atfunction_list async

    with_code: bool = False,
    verbose: int = 0,
    lib_name: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

List the functions with additional information about each function.

with_code Show libraries code. verbose output verbosity level, higher number will increase verbosity level lib_name specifying a library name (can be used multiple times to show multiple libraries in a single command) # noqa

For more information see

atfunction_load async

    lib_code: str,
    replace: bool = False,
    config: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Load a new library to RedisGears.

lib_code - the library code. config - a string representation of a JSON object that will be provided to the library on load time, for more information refer to replace - an optional argument, instructs RedisGears to replace the function if its already exists

For more information see

atime async

atime(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns the server time as a 2-item tuple of ints: (seconds since epoch, microseconds into this second).

For more information see

atouch async

    *args: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Alters the last access time of a key(s) *args. A key is ignored if it does not exist.

For more information see

attl async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns the number of seconds until the key name will expire

For more information see

atype async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns the type of key name

For more information see

    *names: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Unlink one or more keys specified by names

For more information see

aunwatch async

aunwatch() -> None

Unwatches the value at key name, or None of the key doesn't exist

For more information see


    password: str,
    username: typing.Optional[str] = None,

Authenticates the user. If you do not pass username, Redis will try to authenticate for the "default" user. If you do pass username, it will authenticate for the given user. For more information see

await_ async

    num_replicas: int, timeout: int, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Redis synchronous replication That returns the number of replicas that processed the query when we finally have at least num_replicas, or when the timeout was reached.

For more information see

awaitaof async

    num_local: int,
    num_replicas: int,
    timeout: int,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

This command blocks the current client until all previous write commands by that client are acknowledged as having been fsynced to the AOF of the local Redis and/or at least the specified number of replicas.

For more information see

awatch async

awatch(*names: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT) -> None

Watches the values at keys names, or None if the key doesn't exist

For more information see

axack async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    groupname: redis.typing.GroupT,
    *ids: redis.typing.StreamIdT
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Acknowledges the successful processing of one or more messages. name: name of the stream. groupname: name of the consumer group. *ids: message ids to acknowledge.

For more information see

axadd async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    fields: typing.Dict[
        redis.typing.FieldT, redis.typing.EncodableT
    id: redis.typing.StreamIdT = "*",
    maxlen: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    approximate: bool = True,
    nomkstream: bool = False,
    minid: typing.Union[
        redis.typing.StreamIdT, None
    ] = None,
    limit: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Add to a stream. name: name of the stream fields: dict of field/value pairs to insert into the stream id: Location to insert this record. By default it is appended. maxlen: truncate old stream members beyond this size. Can't be specified with minid. approximate: actual stream length may be slightly more than maxlen nomkstream: When set to true, do not make a stream minid: the minimum id in the stream to query. Can't be specified with maxlen. limit: specifies the maximum number of entries to retrieve

For more information see

axautoclaim async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    groupname: redis.typing.GroupT,
    consumername: redis.typing.ConsumerT,
    min_idle_time: int,
    start_id: redis.typing.StreamIdT = "0-0",
    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    justid: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Transfers ownership of pending stream entries that match the specified criteria. Conceptually, equivalent to calling XPENDING and then XCLAIM, but provides a more straightforward way to deal with message delivery failures via SCAN-like semantics. name: name of the stream. groupname: name of the consumer group. consumername: name of a consumer that claims the message. min_idle_time: filter messages that were idle less than this amount of milliseconds. start_id: filter messages with equal or greater ID. count: optional integer, upper limit of the number of entries that the command attempts to claim. Set to 100 by default. justid: optional boolean, false by default. Return just an array of IDs of messages successfully claimed, without returning the actual message

For more information see

axclaim async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    groupname: redis.typing.GroupT,
    consumername: redis.typing.ConsumerT,
    min_idle_time: int,
    message_ids: typing.Union[
    idle: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    time: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    retrycount: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    force: bool = False,
    justid: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Changes the ownership of a pending message.

name: name of the stream.

groupname: name of the consumer group.

consumername: name of a consumer that claims the message.

min_idle_time: filter messages that were idle less than this amount of milliseconds

message_ids: non-empty list or tuple of message IDs to claim

idle: optional. Set the idle time (last time it was delivered) of the message in ms

time: optional integer. This is the same as idle but instead of a relative amount of milliseconds, it sets the idle time to a specific Unix time (in milliseconds).

retrycount: optional integer. set the retry counter to the specified value. This counter is incremented every time a message is delivered again.

force: optional boolean, false by default. Creates the pending message entry in the PEL even if certain specified IDs are not already in the PEL assigned to a different client.

justid: optional boolean, false by default. Return just an array of IDs of messages successfully claimed, without returning the actual message

For more information see

axdel async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    *ids: redis.typing.StreamIdT
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Deletes one or more messages from a stream. name: name of the stream. *ids: message ids to delete.

For more information see

axgroup_create async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    groupname: redis.typing.GroupT,
    id: redis.typing.StreamIdT = "$",
    mkstream: bool = False,
    entries_read: typing.Optional[int] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Create a new consumer group associated with a stream. name: name of the stream. groupname: name of the consumer group. id: ID of the last item in the stream to consider already delivered.

For more information see

axgroup_createconsumer async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    groupname: redis.typing.GroupT,
    consumername: redis.typing.ConsumerT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Consumers in a consumer group are auto-created every time a new consumer name is mentioned by some command. They can be explicitly created by using this command. name: name of the stream. groupname: name of the consumer group. consumername: name of consumer to create.


axgroup_delconsumer async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    groupname: redis.typing.GroupT,
    consumername: redis.typing.ConsumerT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Remove a specific consumer from a consumer group. Returns the number of pending messages that the consumer had before it was deleted. name: name of the stream. groupname: name of the consumer group. consumername: name of consumer to delete

For more information see

axgroup_destroy async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    groupname: redis.typing.GroupT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Destroy a consumer group. name: name of the stream. groupname: name of the consumer group.

For more information see

axgroup_setid async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    groupname: redis.typing.GroupT,
    id: redis.typing.StreamIdT,
    entries_read: typing.Optional[int] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Set the consumer group last delivered ID to something else. name: name of the stream. groupname: name of the consumer group. id: ID of the last item in the stream to consider already delivered.

For more information see

axinfo_consumers async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    groupname: redis.typing.GroupT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns general information about the consumers in the group. name: name of the stream. groupname: name of the consumer group.

For more information see

axinfo_groups async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns general information about the consumer groups of the stream. name: name of the stream.

For more information see

axinfo_stream async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, full: bool = False
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns general information about the stream. name: name of the stream. full: optional boolean, false by default. Return full summary

For more information see

axlen async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns the number of elements in a given stream.

For more information see

axpending async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    groupname: redis.typing.GroupT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns information about pending messages of a group. name: name of the stream. groupname: name of the consumer group.

For more information see

axpending_range async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    groupname: redis.typing.GroupT,
    min: redis.typing.StreamIdT,
    max: redis.typing.StreamIdT,
    count: int,
    consumername: typing.Union[
        redis.typing.ConsumerT, None
    ] = None,
    idle: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns information about pending messages, in a range.

name: name of the stream. groupname: name of the consumer group. idle: available from version 6.2. filter entries by their idle-time, given in milliseconds (optional). min: minimum stream ID. max: maximum stream ID. count: number of messages to return consumername: name of a consumer to filter by (optional).

axrange async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    min: redis.typing.StreamIdT = "-",
    max: redis.typing.StreamIdT = "+",
    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Read stream values within an interval.

name: name of the stream.

first stream ID. defaults to '-',

meaning the earliest available.

last stream ID. defaults to '+',

meaning the latest available.

if set, only return this many items, beginning with the

earliest available.

For more information see

axread async

    streams: typing.Dict[
        kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, redis.typing.StreamIdT
    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    block: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Block and monitor multiple streams for new data.

a dict of stream names to stream IDs, where

IDs indicate the last ID already seen.

if set, only return this many items, beginning with the

earliest available.

block: number of milliseconds to wait, if nothing already present.

For more information see

axreadgroup async

    groupname: str,
    consumername: str,
    streams: typing.Dict[
        kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, redis.typing.StreamIdT
    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    block: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    noack: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Read from a stream via a consumer group.

groupname: name of the consumer group.

consumername: name of the requesting consumer.

a dict of stream names to stream IDs, where

IDs indicate the last ID already seen.

if set, only return this many items, beginning with the

earliest available.

block: number of milliseconds to wait, if nothing already present. noack: do not add messages to the PEL

For more information see

axrevrange async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    max: redis.typing.StreamIdT = "+",
    min: redis.typing.StreamIdT = "-",
    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Read stream values within an interval, in reverse order.

name: name of the stream

first stream ID. defaults to '+',

meaning the latest available.

last stream ID. defaults to '-',

meaning the earliest available.

if set, only return this many items, beginning with the

latest available.

For more information see

axtrim async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    maxlen: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    approximate: bool = True,
    minid: typing.Union[
        redis.typing.StreamIdT, None
    ] = None,
    limit: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Trims old messages from a stream. name: name of the stream. maxlen: truncate old stream messages beyond this size Can't be specified with minid. approximate: actual stream length may be slightly more than maxlen minid: the minimum id in the stream to query Can't be specified with maxlen. limit: specifies the maximum number of entries to retrieve

For more information see

azadd async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    mapping: typing.Mapping[
        redis.typing.AnyKeyT, redis.typing.EncodableT
    nx: bool = False,
    xx: bool = False,
    ch: bool = False,
    incr: bool = False,
    gt: bool = False,
    lt: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Set any number of element-name, score pairs to the key name. Pairs are specified as a dict of element-names keys to score values.

nx forces ZADD to only create new elements and not to update scores for elements that already exist.

xx forces ZADD to only update scores of elements that already exist. New elements will not be added.

ch modifies the return value to be the numbers of elements changed. Changed elements include new elements that were added and elements whose scores changed.

incr modifies ZADD to behave like ZINCRBY. In this mode only a single element/score pair can be specified and the score is the amount the existing score will be incremented by. When using this mode the return value of ZADD will be the new score of the element.

LT Only update existing elements if the new score is less than the current score. This flag doesn't prevent adding new elements.

GT Only update existing elements if the new score is greater than the current score. This flag doesn't prevent adding new elements.

The return value of ZADD varies based on the mode specified. With no options, ZADD returns the number of new elements added to the sorted set.

NX, LT, and GT are mutually exclusive options.


azcard async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return the number of elements in the sorted set name

For more information see

azcount async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    min: redis.typing.ZScoreBoundT,
    max: redis.typing.ZScoreBoundT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns the number of elements in the sorted set at key name with a score between min and max.

For more information see

azdiff async

    keys: redis.typing.KeysT, withscores: bool = False
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns the difference between the first and all successive input sorted sets provided in keys.

For more information see

azdiffstore async

    dest: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, keys: redis.typing.KeysT
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Computes the difference between the first and all successive input sorted sets provided in keys and stores the result in dest.

For more information see

azincrby async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    amount: float,
    value: redis.typing.EncodableT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Increment the score of value in sorted set name by amount

For more information see

azinter async

    keys: redis.typing.KeysT,
    aggregate: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
    withscores: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return the intersect of multiple sorted sets specified by keys. With the aggregate option, it is possible to specify how the results of the union are aggregated. This option defaults to SUM, where the score of an element is summed across the inputs where it exists. When this option is set to either MIN or MAX, the resulting set will contain the minimum or maximum score of an element across the inputs where it exists.

For more information see

azintercard async

    numkeys: int, keys: typing.List[str], limit: int = 0
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Return the cardinality of the intersect of multiple sorted sets specified by `keys. When LIMIT provided (defaults to 0 and means unlimited), if the intersection cardinality reaches limit partway through the computation, the algorithm will exit and yield limit as the cardinality

For more information see

azinterstore async

    dest: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    keys: typing.Union[
        typing.Mapping[redis.typing.AnyKeyT, float],
    aggregate: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Intersect multiple sorted sets specified by keys into a new sorted set, dest. Scores in the destination will be aggregated based on the aggregate. This option defaults to SUM, where the score of an element is summed across the inputs where it exists. When this option is set to either MIN or MAX, the resulting set will contain the minimum or maximum score of an element across the inputs where it exists.

For more information see

azlexcount async

azlexcount(name, min, max)

Return the number of items in the sorted set name between the lexicographical range min and max.

For more information see

azmpop async

    num_keys: int,
    keys: typing.List[str],
    min: typing.Optional[bool] = False,
    max: typing.Optional[bool] = False,
    count: typing.Optional[int] = 1,
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[list], list]

Pop count values (default 1) off of the first non-empty sorted set named in the keys list. For more information see

azmscore async

    key: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, members: typing.List[str]
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns the scores associated with the specified members in the sorted set stored at key. members should be a list of the member name. Return type is a list of score. If the member does not exist, a None will be returned in corresponding position.

For more information see

azpopmax async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Remove and return up to count members with the highest scores from the sorted set name.

For more information see

azpopmin async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Remove and return up to count members with the lowest scores from the sorted set name.

For more information see

azrandmember async

    key: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    count: int = None,
    withscores: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return a random element from the sorted set value stored at key.

count if the argument is positive, return an array of distinct fields. If called with a negative count, the behavior changes and the command is allowed to return the same field multiple times. In this case, the number of returned fields is the absolute value of the specified count.

withscores The optional WITHSCORES modifier changes the reply so it includes the respective scores of the randomly selected elements from the sorted set.

For more information see

azrange async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    start: int,
    end: int,
    desc: bool = False,
    withscores: bool = False,
    score_cast_func: typing.Union[
    ] = ...,
    byscore: bool = False,
    bylex: bool = False,
    offset: int = None,
    num: int = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return a range of values from sorted set name between start and end sorted in ascending order.

start and end can be negative, indicating the end of the range.

desc a boolean indicating whether to sort the results in reversed order.

withscores indicates to return the scores along with the values. The return type is a list of (value, score) pairs.

score_cast_func a callable used to cast the score return value.

byscore when set to True, returns the range of elements from the sorted set having scores equal or between start and end.

bylex when set to True, returns the range of elements from the sorted set between the start and end lexicographical closed range intervals. Valid start and end must start with ( or [, in order to specify whether the range interval is exclusive or inclusive, respectively.

offset and num are specified, then return a slice of the range. Can't be provided when using bylex.

For more information see

azrangebylex async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    min: redis.typing.EncodableT,
    max: redis.typing.EncodableT,
    start: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    num: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return the lexicographical range of values from sorted set name between min and max.

If start and num are specified, then return a slice of the range.

For more information see

azrangebyscore async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    min: redis.typing.ZScoreBoundT,
    max: redis.typing.ZScoreBoundT,
    start: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    num: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    withscores: bool = False,
    score_cast_func: typing.Union[
    ] = ...,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return a range of values from the sorted set name with scores between min and max.

If start and num are specified, then return a slice of the range.

withscores indicates to return the scores along with the values. The return type is a list of (value, score) pairs

`score_cast_func`` a callable used to cast the score return value

For more information see

azrangestore async

    dest: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    start: int,
    end: int,
    byscore: bool = False,
    bylex: bool = False,
    desc: bool = False,
    offset: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    num: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Stores in dest the result of a range of values from sorted set name between start and end sorted in ascending order.

start and end can be negative, indicating the end of the range.

byscore when set to True, returns the range of elements from the sorted set having scores equal or between start and end.

bylex when set to True, returns the range of elements from the sorted set between the start and end lexicographical closed range intervals. Valid start and end must start with ( or [, in order to specify whether the range interval is exclusive or inclusive, respectively.

desc a boolean indicating whether to sort the results in reversed order.

offset and num are specified, then return a slice of the range. Can't be provided when using bylex.

For more information see

azrank async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    value: redis.typing.EncodableT,
    withscore: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns a 0-based value indicating the rank of value in sorted set name. The optional WITHSCORE argument supplements the command's reply with the score of the element returned.

For more information see

azrem async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    *values: redis.typing.FieldT
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Remove member values from sorted set name

For more information see

azremrangebylex async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    min: redis.typing.EncodableT,
    max: redis.typing.EncodableT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Remove all elements in the sorted set name between the lexicographical range specified by min and max.

Returns the number of elements removed.

For more information see

azremrangebyrank async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, min: int, max: int
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Remove all elements in the sorted set name with ranks between min and max. Values are 0-based, ordered from smallest score to largest. Values can be negative indicating the highest scores. Returns the number of elements removed

For more information see

azremrangebyscore async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    min: redis.typing.ZScoreBoundT,
    max: redis.typing.ZScoreBoundT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Remove all elements in the sorted set name with scores between min and max. Returns the number of elements removed.

For more information see

azrevrange async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    start: int,
    end: int,
    withscores: bool = False,
    score_cast_func: typing.Union[
    ] = ...,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return a range of values from sorted set name between start and end sorted in descending order.

start and end can be negative, indicating the end of the range.

withscores indicates to return the scores along with the values The return type is a list of (value, score) pairs

score_cast_func a callable used to cast the score return value

For more information see

azrevrangebylex async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    max: redis.typing.EncodableT,
    min: redis.typing.EncodableT,
    start: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    num: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return the reversed lexicographical range of values from sorted set name between max and min.

If start and num are specified, then return a slice of the range.

For more information see

azrevrangebyscore async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    max: redis.typing.ZScoreBoundT,
    min: redis.typing.ZScoreBoundT,
    start: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    num: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    withscores: bool = False,
    score_cast_func: typing.Union[
    ] = ...,

Return a range of values from the sorted set name with scores between min and max in descending order.

If start and num are specified, then return a slice of the range.

withscores indicates to return the scores along with the values. The return type is a list of (value, score) pairs

score_cast_func a callable used to cast the score return value

For more information see

azrevrank async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    value: redis.typing.EncodableT,
    withscore: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns a 0-based value indicating the descending rank of value in sorted set name. The optional withscore argument supplements the command's reply with the score of the element returned.

For more information see

azscan async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    cursor: int = 0,
    match: typing.Union[redis.typing.PatternT, None] = None,
    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    score_cast_func: typing.Union[
    ] = ...,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Incrementally return lists of elements in a sorted set. Also return a cursor indicating the scan position.

match allows for filtering the keys by pattern

count allows for hint the minimum number of returns

score_cast_func a callable used to cast the score return value

For more information see

azscan_iter async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    match: typing.Union[redis.typing.PatternT, None] = None,
    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    score_cast_func: typing.Union[
    ] = ...,
) -> typing.AsyncIterator

Make an iterator using the ZSCAN command so that the client doesn't need to remember the cursor position.

match allows for filtering the keys by pattern

count allows for hint the minimum number of returns

score_cast_func a callable used to cast the score return value

azscore async

    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    value: redis.typing.EncodableT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return the score of element value in sorted set name

For more information see

azunion async

    keys: typing.Union[
        typing.Mapping[redis.typing.AnyKeyT, float],
    aggregate: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
    withscores: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return the union of multiple sorted sets specified by keys. keys can be provided as dictionary of keys and their weights. Scores will be aggregated based on the aggregate, or SUM if none is provided.

For more information see

azunionstore async

    dest: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    keys: typing.Union[
        typing.Mapping[redis.typing.AnyKeyT, float],
    aggregate: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Union multiple sorted sets specified by keys into a new sorted set, dest. Scores in the destination will be aggregated based on the aggregate, or SUM if none is provided.

For more information see



Tell the Redis server to rewrite the AOF file from data in memory.

For more information see


    schedule: bool = True, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Tell the Redis server to save its data to disk. Unlike save(), this method is asynchronous and returns immediately.

For more information see


    key: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    start: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    end: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    mode: typing.Optional[str] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns the count of set bits in the value of key. Optional start and end parameters indicate which bytes to consider

For more information see


    key: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    default_overflow: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.BitFieldOperation

Return a BitFieldOperation instance to conveniently construct one or more bitfield operations on key.

For more information see


    key: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    encoding: str,
    offset: redis.typing.BitfieldOffsetT,
    items: typing.Optional[list] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return an array of the specified bitfield values where the first value is found using encoding and offset parameters and remaining values are result of corresponding encoding/offset pairs in optional list items Read-only variant of the BITFIELD command.

For more information see


    operation: str,
    dest: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    *keys: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Perform a bitwise operation using operation between keys and store the result in dest.

For more information see


    key: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    bit: int,
    start: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    end: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    mode: typing.Optional[str] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return the position of the first bit set to 1 or 0 in a string. start and end defines search range. The range is interpreted as a range of bytes and not a range of bits, so start=0 and end=2 means to look at the first three bytes.

For more information see


    first_list: str,
    second_list: str,
    timeout: int,
    src: str = "LEFT",
    dest: str = "RIGHT",
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Blocking version of lmove.

For more information see


    timeout: float,
    numkeys: int,
    *args: typing.List[str],
    direction: str,
    count: typing.Optional[int] = 1
) -> typing.Optional[list]

Pop count values (default 1) from first non-empty in the list of provided key names.

When all lists are empty this command blocks the connection until another client pushes to it or until the timeout, timeout of 0 blocks indefinitely

For more information see


    keys: typing.List, timeout: typing.Optional[int] = 0
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[list], list]

LPOP a value off of the first non-empty list named in the keys list.

If none of the lists in keys has a value to LPOP, then block for timeout seconds, or until a value gets pushed on to one of the lists.

If timeout is 0, then block indefinitely.

For more information see


    keys: typing.List, timeout: typing.Optional[int] = 0
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[list], list]

RPOP a value off of the first non-empty list named in the keys list.

If none of the lists in keys has a value to RPOP, then block for timeout seconds, or until a value gets pushed on to one of the lists.

If timeout is 0, then block indefinitely.

For more information see


    src: str, dst: str, timeout: typing.Optional[int] = 0
) -> typing.Union[

Pop a value off the tail of src, push it on the head of dst and then return it.

This command blocks until a value is in src or until timeout seconds elapse, whichever is first. A timeout value of 0 blocks forever.

For more information see


    timeout: float,
    numkeys: int,
    keys: typing.List[str],
    min: typing.Optional[bool] = False,
    max: typing.Optional[bool] = False,
    count: typing.Optional[int] = 1,
) -> typing.Optional[list]

Pop count values (default 1) off of the first non-empty sorted set named in the keys list.

If none of the sorted sets in keys has a value to pop, then block for timeout seconds, or until a member gets added to one of the sorted sets.

If timeout is 0, then block indefinitely.

For more information see


    keys: redis.typing.KeysT,
    timeout: redis.typing.TimeoutSecT = 0,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

ZPOPMAX a value off of the first non-empty sorted set named in the keys list.

If none of the sorted sets in keys has a value to ZPOPMAX, then block for timeout seconds, or until a member gets added to one of the sorted sets.

If timeout is 0, then block indefinitely.

For more information see


    keys: redis.typing.KeysT,
    timeout: redis.typing.TimeoutSecT = 0,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

ZPOPMIN a value off of the first non-empty sorted set named in the keys list.

If none of the sorted sets in keys has a value to ZPOPMIN, then block for timeout seconds, or until a member gets added to one of the sorted sets.

If timeout is 0, then block indefinitely.

For more information see


client_getname(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns the current connection name

For more information see


client_getredir(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns the ID (an integer) of the client to whom we are redirecting tracking notifications.



client_id(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns the current connection id

For more information see


client_info(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns information and statistics about the current client connection.

For more information see


    address: str, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Disconnects the client at address (ip:port)

For more information see


    _id: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
    _type: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
    addr: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
    skipme: typing.Union[bool, None] = None,
    laddr: typing.Union[bool, None] = None,
    user: str = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Disconnects client(s) using a variety of filter options :param _id: Kills a client by its unique ID field :param _type: Kills a client by type where type is one of 'normal', 'master', 'slave' or 'pubsub' :param addr: Kills a client by its 'address:port' :param skipme: If True, then the client calling the command will not get killed even if it is identified by one of the filter options. If skipme is not provided, the server defaults to skipme=True :param laddr: Kills a client by its 'local (bind) address:port' :param user: Kills a client for a specific user name


    _type: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
    client_id: typing.List[redis.typing.EncodableT] = [],
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns a list of currently connected clients. If type of client specified, only that type will be returned.

:param _type: optional. one of the client types (normal, master, replica, pubsub) :param client_id: optional. a list of client ids

For more information see


    mode: str,
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[str], str]

Sets the client eviction mode for the current connection.

For more information see


    mode: str,
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[str], str]

The command controls whether commands sent by the client will alter

the LRU/LFU of the keys they access.

When turned on, the current client will not change LFU/LRU stats,

unless it sends the TOUCH command.

For more information see


    timeout: int, all: bool = True, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Suspend all the Redis clients for the specified amount of time.

For more information see

:param timeout: milliseconds to pause clients :param all: If true (default) all client commands are blocked. otherwise, clients are only blocked if they attempt to execute a write command. For the WRITE mode, some commands have special behavior: EVAL/EVALSHA: Will block client for all scripts. PUBLISH: Will block client. PFCOUNT: Will block client. WAIT: Acknowledgments will be delayed, so this command will appear blocked.


    reply: typing.Union[
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Enable and disable redis server replies.

reply Must be ON OFF or SKIP, ON - The default most with server replies to commands OFF - Disable server responses to commands SKIP - Skip the response of the immediately following command.

Note: When setting OFF or SKIP replies, you will need a client object with a timeout specified in seconds, and will need to catch the TimeoutError. The test_client_reply unit test illustrates this, and has a client with a timeout.



    attr: str, value: str, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Sets the current connection library name or version For mor information see


    name: str, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Sets the current connection name

For more information see

.. note:: This method sets client name only for current connection.

If you want to set a common name for all connections managed by this client, use client_name constructor argument.


    on: bool = True,
    clientid: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    prefix: typing.Sequence[kvdb.types.generic.KeyT] = [],
    bcast: bool = False,
    optin: bool = False,
    optout: bool = False,
    noloop: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Enables the tracking feature of the Redis server, that is used for server assisted client side caching.

on indicate for tracking on or tracking off. The dafualt is on.

clientid send invalidation messages to the connection with the specified ID.

bcast enable tracking in broadcasting mode. In this mode invalidation messages are reported for all the prefixes specified, regardless of the keys requested by the connection.

optin when broadcasting is NOT active, normally don't track keys in read only commands, unless they are called immediately after a CLIENT CACHING yes command.

optout when broadcasting is NOT active, normally track keys in read only commands, unless they are called immediately after a CLIENT CACHING no command.

noloop don't send notifications about keys modified by this connection itself.

prefix for broadcasting, register a given key prefix, so that notifications will be provided only for keys starting with this string.



    clientid: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    prefix: typing.Sequence[kvdb.types.generic.KeyT] = [],
    bcast: bool = False,
    optin: bool = False,
    optout: bool = False,
    noloop: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Turn off the tracking mode. For more information about the options look at client_tracking func.



    clientid: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    prefix: typing.Sequence[kvdb.types.generic.KeyT] = [],
    bcast: bool = False,
    optin: bool = False,
    optout: bool = False,
    noloop: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Turn on the tracking mode. For more information about the options look at client_tracking func.



) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns the information about the current client connection's use of the server assisted client side cache.



    client_id: int, error: bool = False, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Unblocks a connection by its client id. If error is True, unblocks the client with a special error message. If error is False (default), the client is unblocked using the regular timeout mechanism.

For more information see


client_unpause(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Unpause all redis clients

For more information see


    close_pool: bool = False,
    force: typing.Optional[bool] = None,
    raise_errors: bool = False,

Close the session

Source code in kvdb/components/
def close(self, close_pool: bool = False, force: Optional[bool] = None, raise_errors: bool = False):
    Close the session
    self.close_locks(force=force, raise_errors=raise_errors)
    if self.state.pubsub is not None:
        self.state.pubsub = None

    if self.state.client is not None:
        if close_pool:
            self.state.client.connection_pool.disconnect(raise_errors = raise_errors)
        self.state.client = None


    names: typing.Optional[
        typing.Union[typing.List[str], str]
    ] = None,
    force: typing.Optional[bool] = False,
    raise_errors: typing.Optional[bool] = False,

Closes the locks that are currently managed by the session

Source code in kvdb/components/
def close_locks(
    names: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None,
    force: Optional[bool] = False,
    raise_errors: Optional[bool] = False,
    Closes the locks that are currently managed by the session
    if names is None: names = list(self.state.locks.keys())
    if isinstance(names, str): names = [names]
    for name in names:
        if name in self.state.locks:
            self.state.locks[name].release(force = force, raise_errors = raise_errors)
            del self.state.locks[name]


command_docs(*args) -> None

This function throws a NotImplementedError since it is intentionally not supported.


    *args: typing.List[str],
) -> typing.List[typing.Union[str, typing.List[str]]]

Returns array of keys from a full Redis command and their usage flags.

For more information see


    module: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    category: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    pattern: typing.Optional[str] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return an array of the server's command names. You can use one of the following filters: module: get the commands that belong to the module category: get the commands in the ACL category pattern: get the commands that match the given pattern

For more information see


    pattern: redis.typing.PatternT = "*",
    *args: typing.List[redis.typing.PatternT],
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return a dictionary of configuration based on the pattern

For more information see


config_resetstat(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Reset runtime statistics

For more information see


config_rewrite(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Rewrite config file with the minimal change to reflect running config.

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    value: redis.typing.EncodableT,
    *args: typing.List[
            kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, redis.typing.EncodableT
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Set config item name with value

For more information see


    source: str,
    destination: str,
    destination_db: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
    replace: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Copy the value stored in the source key to the destination key.

destination_db an alternative destination database. By default, the destination key is created in the source Redis database.

replace whether the destination key should be removed before copying the value to it. By default, the value is not copied if the destination key already exists.

For more information see


    name: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    base_key: typing.Optional[str] = None,
) -> lazyops.libs.persistence.PersistentDict

Create a new persistence instance

Source code in kvdb/components/
def create_persistence(
    name: Optional[str] = None,
    base_key: Optional[str] = None,
) -> 'PersistentDict':
    Create a new persistence instance
    # name = name or
    # if name in self._persistence_ctx:
    #     return self._persistence_ctx[name]

    from .persistence import KVDBStatefulBackend
    persistence_config = self.settings.persistence.model_dump(exclude_none = True)
    persistence_kwargs = self.settings.persistence.extract_kwargs(_prefix = 'persistence_', _exclude_none = True, **self._kwargs)
    if persistence_kwargs: persistence_config.update(persistence_kwargs)
    if 'name' not in persistence_config: persistence_config['name'] =
    if base_key is not None: persistence_config['base_key'] = base_key
    base_key = persistence_config.get('base_key')
    if base_key in self._persistence_ctx:
        return self._persistence_ctx[base_key]
    p = KVDBStatefulBackend.as_persistent_dict(
        session = self,
    self._persistence_ctx[base_key] = p
    return p


dbsize(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns the number of keys in the current database

For more information see


    key: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns version specific meta information about a given key

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, amount: int = 1
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Decrements the value of key by amount. If no key exists, the value will be initialized as 0 - amount

For more information see


    *names: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Delete one or more keys specified by names


delitem(key: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT) -> None

[Dict] Deletes the key

Source code in kvdb/components/
def delitem(
    key: KeyT,
) -> None:
    [Dict] Deletes the key
    return self.persistence.delete(key)


    decode_responses: typing.Optional[bool] = None,

Disable Serialization in the Encoder

Source code in kvdb/components/
def disable_serialization(self, decode_responses: Optional[bool] = None):
    Disable Serialization in the Encoder


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return a serialized version of the value stored at the specified key. If key does not exist a nil bulk reply is returned.

For more information see


    value: redis.typing.EncodableT, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Echo the string back from the server

For more information see


    serializer: typing.Optional[
    ] = None,
    decode_responses: typing.Optional[bool] = None,

Enable Serialization in the Encoder

Source code in kvdb/components/
def enable_serialization(self, serializer: Optional['SerializerT'] = None, decode_responses: Optional[bool] = None):
    Enable Serialization in the Encoder
    self.encoder.enable_serialization(serializer = serializer, decode_responses = decode_responses)
    self.pool.enable_serialization(serializer = serializer, decode_responses = decode_responses)


    script: str, numkeys: int, *keys_and_args: list
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[str], str]

Execute the Lua script, specifying the numkeys the script will touch and the key names and argument values in keys_and_args. Returns the result of the script.

In practice, use the object returned by register_script. This function exists purely for Redis API completion.

For more information see


    script: str, numkeys: int, *keys_and_args: list
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[str], str]

The read-only variant of the EVAL command

Execute the read-only Lua script specifying the numkeys the script will touch and the key names and argument values in keys_and_args. Returns the result of the script.

For more information see


    sha: str, numkeys: int, *keys_and_args: list
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[str], str]

Use the sha to execute a Lua script already registered via EVAL or SCRIPT LOAD. Specify the numkeys the script will touch and the key names and argument values in keys_and_args. Returns the result of the script.

In practice, use the object returned by register_script. This function exists purely for Redis API completion.

For more information see


    sha: str, numkeys: int, *keys_and_args: list
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[str], str]

The read-only variant of the EVALSHA command

Use the sha to execute a read-only Lua script already registered via EVAL or SCRIPT LOAD. Specify the numkeys the script will touch and the key names and argument values in keys_and_args. Returns the result of the script.

For more information see


    *args: typing.Any, **options: typing.Any
) -> typing.Any

Execute a command and return a parsed response

Source code in kvdb/components/
def execute_command(self, *args: Any, **options: Any) -> Any:
    Execute a command and return a parsed response
    return self.client.execute_command(*args, **options)


    *names: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns the number of names that exist

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    time: kvdb.types.generic.ExpiryT,
    nx: bool = False,
    xx: bool = False,
    gt: bool = False,
    lt: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Set an expire flag on key name for time seconds with given option. time can be represented by an integer or a Python timedelta object.

Valid options are

NX -> Set expiry only when the key has no expiry XX -> Set expiry only when the key has an existing expiry GT -> Set expiry only when the new expiry is greater than current one LT -> Set expiry only when the new expiry is less than current one

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    when: redis.typing.AbsExpiryT,
    nx: bool = False,
    xx: bool = False,
    gt: bool = False,
    lt: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Set an expire flag on key name with given option. when can be represented as an integer indicating unix time or a Python datetime object.

Valid options are

-> NX -- Set expiry only when the key has no expiry -> XX -- Set expiry only when the key has an existing expiry -> GT -- Set expiry only when the new expiry is greater than current one -> LT -- Set expiry only when the new expiry is less than current one

For more information see


expiretime(key: str) -> int

Returns the absolute Unix timestamp (since January 1, 1970) in seconds at which the given key will expire.

For more information see


failover() -> None

This function throws a NotImplementedError since it is intentionally not supported.


    numkeys: int,
    *keys_and_args: typing.Optional[typing.List]
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[str], str]

Invoke a function.

For more information see


    numkeys: int,
    *keys_and_args: typing.Optional[typing.List]
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[str], str]

This is a read-only variant of the FCALL command that cannot execute commands that modify data.

For more information see


    asynchronous: bool = False, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Delete all keys in all databases on the current host.

asynchronous indicates whether the operation is executed asynchronously by the server.

For more information see


    asynchronous: bool = False, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Delete all keys in the current database.

asynchronous indicates whether the operation is executed asynchronously by the server.

For more information see


    library: str,
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[str], str]

Delete the library called library and all its functions.

For more information see


function_dump() -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[str], str]

Return the serialized payload of loaded libraries.

For more information see


    mode: str = "SYNC",
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[str], str]

Deletes all the libraries.

For more information see


function_kill() -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[str], str]

Kill a function that is currently executing.

For more information see


    library: typing.Optional[str] = "*",
    withcode: typing.Optional[bool] = False,
) -> typing.Union[
    typing.Awaitable[typing.List], typing.List

Return information about the functions and libraries. :param library: pecify a pattern for matching library names :param withcode: cause the server to include the libraries source implementation in the reply


    code: str, replace: typing.Optional[bool] = False
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[str], str]

Load a library to Redis. :param code: the source code (must start with Shebang statement that provides a metadata about the library) :param replace: changes the behavior to overwrite the existing library with the new contents. Return the library name that was loaded.

For more information see


    payload: str, policy: typing.Optional[str] = "APPEND"
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[str], str]

Restore libraries from the serialized payload. You can use the optional policy argument to provide a policy for handling existing libraries.

For more information see


function_stats() -> (
    typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[typing.List], typing.List]

Return information about the function that's currently running and information about the available execution engines.

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    values: typing.Sequence[redis.typing.EncodableT],
    nx: bool = False,
    xx: bool = False,
    ch: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Add the specified geospatial items to the specified key identified by the name argument. The Geospatial items are given as ordered members of the values argument, each item or place is formed by the triad longitude, latitude and name.

Note: You can use ZREM to remove elements.

nx forces ZADD to only create new elements and not to update scores for elements that already exist.

xx forces ZADD to only update scores of elements that already exist. New elements will not be added.

ch modifies the return value to be the numbers of elements changed. Changed elements include new elements that were added and elements whose scores changed.

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    place1: redis.typing.FieldT,
    place2: redis.typing.FieldT,
    unit: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return the distance between place1 and place2 members of the name key. The units must be one of the following : m, km mi, ft. By default meters are used.

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    *values: redis.typing.FieldT
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return the geo hash string for each item of values members of the specified key identified by the name argument.

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    *values: redis.typing.FieldT
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return the positions of each item of values as members of the specified key identified by the name argument. Each position is represented by the pairs lon and lat.

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    longitude: float,
    latitude: float,
    radius: float,
    unit: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
    withdist: bool = False,
    withcoord: bool = False,
    withhash: bool = False,
    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    sort: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
    store: typing.Union[
        kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, None
    ] = None,
    store_dist: typing.Union[
        kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, None
    ] = None,
    any: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return the members of the specified key identified by the name argument which are within the borders of the area specified with the latitude and longitude location and the maximum distance from the center specified by the radius value.

The units must be one of the following : m, km mi, ft. By default

withdist indicates to return the distances of each place.

withcoord indicates to return the latitude and longitude of each place.

withhash indicates to return the geohash string of each place.

count indicates to return the number of elements up to N.

sort indicates to return the places in a sorted way, ASC for nearest to fairest and DESC for fairest to nearest.

store indicates to save the places names in a sorted set named with a specific key, each element of the destination sorted set is populated with the score got from the original geo sorted set.

store_dist indicates to save the places names in a sorted set named with a specific key, instead of store the sorted set destination score is set with the distance.

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    member: redis.typing.FieldT,
    radius: float,
    unit: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
    withdist: bool = False,
    withcoord: bool = False,
    withhash: bool = False,
    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    sort: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
    store: typing.Union[
        kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, None
    ] = None,
    store_dist: typing.Union[
        kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, None
    ] = None,
    any: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

This command is exactly like georadius with the sole difference that instead of taking, as the center of the area to query, a longitude and latitude value, it takes the name of a member already existing inside the geospatial index represented by the sorted set.

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    member: typing.Union[redis.typing.FieldT, None] = None,
    longitude: typing.Union[float, None] = None,
    latitude: typing.Union[float, None] = None,
    unit: str = "m",
    radius: typing.Union[float, None] = None,
    width: typing.Union[float, None] = None,
    height: typing.Union[float, None] = None,
    sort: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    any: bool = False,
    withcoord: bool = False,
    withdist: bool = False,
    withhash: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return the members of specified key identified by the name argument, which are within the borders of the area specified by a given shape. This command extends the GEORADIUS command, so in addition to searching within circular areas, it supports searching within rectangular areas.

This command should be used in place of the deprecated GEORADIUS and GEORADIUSBYMEMBER commands.

member Use the position of the given existing member in the sorted set. Can't be given with longitude and latitude.

longitude and latitude Use the position given by this coordinates. Can't be given with member radius Similar to GEORADIUS, search inside circular area according the given radius. Can't be given with height and width. height and width Search inside an axis-aligned rectangle, determined by the given height and width. Can't be given with radius

unit must be one of the following : m, km, mi, ft. m for meters (the default value), km for kilometers, mi for miles and ft for feet.

sort indicates to return the places in a sorted way, ASC for nearest to furthest and DESC for furthest to nearest.

count limit the results to the first count matching items.

any is set to True, the command will return as soon as enough matches are found. Can't be provided without count

withdist indicates to return the distances of each place. withcoord indicates to return the latitude and longitude of each place.

withhash indicates to return the geohash string of each place.

For more information see


    dest: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    member: typing.Union[redis.typing.FieldT, None] = None,
    longitude: typing.Union[float, None] = None,
    latitude: typing.Union[float, None] = None,
    unit: str = "m",
    radius: typing.Union[float, None] = None,
    width: typing.Union[float, None] = None,
    height: typing.Union[float, None] = None,
    sort: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    any: bool = False,
    storedist: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

This command is like GEOSEARCH, but stores the result in dest. By default, it stores the results in the destination sorted set with their geospatial information. if store_dist set to True, the command will stores the items in a sorted set populated with their distance from the center of the circle or box, as a floating-point number.

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return the value at key name, or None if the key doesn't exist

For more information see


get_dictkey(key: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT) -> str

Returns the dict key

Source code in kvdb/components/
        dict_expiration = kwargs.get('dict_expiration'),



    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, offset: int
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns an integer indicating the value of offset in name

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Get the value at key name and delete the key. This command is similar to GET, except for the fact that it also deletes the key on success (if and only if the key's value type is a string).

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    ex: typing.Union[
        kvdb.types.generic.ExpiryT, None
    ] = None,
    px: typing.Union[
        kvdb.types.generic.ExpiryT, None
    ] = None,
    exat: typing.Union[
        redis.typing.AbsExpiryT, None
    ] = None,
    pxat: typing.Union[
        redis.typing.AbsExpiryT, None
    ] = None,
    persist: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Get the value of key and optionally set its expiration. GETEX is similar to GET, but is a write command with additional options. All time parameters can be given as datetime.timedelta or integers.

ex sets an expire flag on key name for ex seconds.

px sets an expire flag on key name for px milliseconds.

exat sets an expire flag on key name for ex seconds, specified in unix time.

pxat sets an expire flag on key name for ex milliseconds, specified in unix time.

persist remove the time to live associated with name.

For more information see


    key: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    default: typing.Optional[typing.Any] = None,
) -> kvdb.components.session.ReturnT

[Dict] Returns the value for the given key

Source code in kvdb/components/
def getitem(
    key: KeyT,
    default: Optional[Any] = None,
) -> ResponseT:
    [Dict] Returns the value for the given key
    return self.persistence.get(key, default)


    key: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, start: int, end: int
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns the substring of the string value stored at key, determined by the offsets start and end (both are inclusive)

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    value: redis.typing.EncodableT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Sets the value at key name to value and returns the old value at key name atomically.

As per Redis 6.2, GETSET is considered deprecated. Please use SET with GET parameter in new code.

For more information see


    name: str, *keys: typing.List
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Delete keys from hash name

For more information see


hello() -> None

This function throws a NotImplementedError since it is intentionally not supported.


    name: str, key: str
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[bool], bool]

Returns a boolean indicating if key exists within hash name

For more information see


hget(name: str, key: str) -> typing.Union[

Return the value of key within the hash name

For more information see


    name: str,
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[dict], dict]

Return a Python dict of the hash's name/value pairs

For more information see


    name: str, key: str, amount: int = 1
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Increment the value of key in hash name by amount

For more information see


    name: str, key: str, amount: float = 1.0
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[float], float]

Increment the value of key in hash name by floating amount

For more information see


    name: str,
) -> typing.Union[
    typing.Awaitable[typing.List], typing.List

Return the list of keys within hash name

For more information see


hlen(name: str) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Return the number of elements in hash name

For more information see


    name: str, keys: typing.List, *args: typing.List
) -> typing.Union[
    typing.Awaitable[typing.List], typing.List

Returns a list of values ordered identically to keys

For more information see


    name: str, mapping: dict
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[str], str]

Set key to value within hash name for each corresponding key and value from the mapping dict.

For more information see


    key: str, count: int = None, withvalues: bool = False
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return a random field from the hash value stored at key.

count: if the argument is positive, return an array of distinct fields. If called with a negative count, the behavior changes and the command is allowed to return the same field multiple times. In this case, the number of returned fields is the absolute value of the specified count. withvalues: The optional WITHVALUES modifier changes the reply so it includes the respective values of the randomly selected hash fields.

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    cursor: int = 0,
    match: typing.Union[redis.typing.PatternT, None] = None,
    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Incrementally return key/value slices in a hash. Also return a cursor indicating the scan position.

match allows for filtering the keys by pattern

count allows for hint the minimum number of returns

For more information see


    name: str,
    match: typing.Union[redis.typing.PatternT, None] = None,
    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
) -> typing.Iterator

Make an iterator using the HSCAN command so that the client doesn't need to remember the cursor position.

match allows for filtering the keys by pattern

count allows for hint the minimum number of returns


    name: str,
    key: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    value: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    mapping: typing.Optional[dict] = None,
    items: typing.Optional[list] = None,
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Set key to value within hash name, mapping accepts a dict of key/value pairs that will be added to hash name. items accepts a list of key/value pairs that will be added to hash name. Returns the number of fields that were added.

For more information see


    name: str, key: str, value: str
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[bool], bool]

Set key to value within hash name if key does not exist. Returns 1 if HSETNX created a field, otherwise 0.

For more information see


    name: str, key: str
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Return the number of bytes stored in the value of key within hash name

For more information see


    name: str,
) -> typing.Union[
    typing.Awaitable[typing.List], typing.List

Return the list of values within hash name

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, amount: int = 1
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Increments the value of key by amount. If no key exists, the value will be initialized as amount

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, amount: float = 1.0
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Increments the value at key name by floating amount. If no key exists, the value will be initialized as amount

For more information see


    section: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
    *args: typing.List[str],
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns a dictionary containing information about the Redis server

The section option can be used to select a specific section of information

The section option is not supported by older versions of Redis Server, and will generate ResponseError

For more information see


init_cache_config(**kwargs: typing.Any) -> None

Initializes the cache config

Source code in kvdb/components/
def init_cache_config(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
    Initializes the cache config
    _cache_config = settings.cache.extract_kwargs(_prefix = 'cache_', _exclude_none = True, **kwargs)
    self.cache_config = settings.cache.model_copy(update = _cache_config, deep = True)


    encoder: typing.Optional[
    ] = None,
    **kwargs: typing.Any
) -> None

Initializes the encoder

Source code in kvdb/components/
def init_encoder(
    encoder: Optional['Encoder'] = None, 
    **kwargs: Any
) -> None:
    Initializes the encoder
    if encoder is None:
        from import Encoder
        serializer_disabled = kwargs.get(
            'serializer_disabled', self.serializer is None
        encoder = Encoder(
            encoding = kwargs.get('encoding', 'utf-8'),
            encoding_errors = kwargs.get('encoding_errors', 'strict'),
            decode_responses = kwargs.get('decode_responses'),
            serializer = None if serializer_disabled else self.serializer,
    self.encoder = encoder


    serializer: typing.Optional[
        typing.Union[, str]
    ] = None,
    **kwargs: typing.Any
) -> None

Initializes the serializer

Source code in kvdb/components/
def init_serializer(
    serializer: Optional[Union['SerializerT', str]] = None, 
    **kwargs: Any
) -> None:
    Initializes the serializer

    if serializer is None or isinstance(serializer, str):
        _serializer_kwargs = SerializerConfig.extract_kwargs(
            _include = ('raise_errors'), 

        #'Initializing serializer for {}, {_serializer_kwargs}')
        serializer = settings.client_config.get_serializer(
            serializer = serializer,
        if self.settings.debug:
  'Initialized serializer for {}, { if serializer else None} {_serializer_kwargs}')
    self.serializer = serializer


init_state(**kwargs: typing.Any) -> None

Initializes the session state

Source code in kvdb/components/
def init_state(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
    Initializes the session state
    self.state = SessionState(
        cache_max_attempts = self.cache_config.max_attempts,
        dict_method = kwargs.get('dict_method', 'hset'),
        dict_prefix = kwargs.get('dict_prefix', f'{}.dict'),
        dict_serialize = kwargs.get('dict_serialize', True),
        dict_expiration = kwargs.get('dict_expiration'),

initialize_class_functions classmethod


Initializes the class methods and sets them based on both the async and sync methods

Source code in kvdb/components/
def initialize_class_functions(cls):
    Initializes the class methods
    and sets them based on both the async and sync methods
    import inspect
    from makefun import create_function
    from redis.commands import (
        # RedisModuleCommands,

        # AsyncRedisModuleCommands,

    existing_methods = set(dir(cls))
    added_methods = set()

    # Sync Methods
    for sync_module in {
        # RedisModuleCommands,

        for name in dir(sync_module):
            if name.startswith('_'): continue
            if name in existing_methods: continue
            # if name in skip_methods: continue
            existing_func = getattr(sync_module, name)
            existing_sig = inspect.signature(existing_func)
            new_func = create_function(
                functools.partial(cls._client_function, _function = name),
                func_name = name,
                module_name = cls.__module__,
            setattr(cls, name, new_func)

    # Async Methods
    for amodule in {
        # AsyncRedisModuleCommands,
        # Core Commands
        for name in dir(amodule):
            if name.startswith('_'): continue
            aname = f'a{name}'
            # if aname == 'async': aname = 'asyncronize'
            if aname in {
                'async', 'await'
                aname = f'{aname}_'
            if aname in existing_methods: continue
            # if name in skip_methods: continue
            existing_func = getattr(amodule, name)
            existing_sig = inspect.signature(existing_func)
                new_func = create_function(
                    functools.partial(cls._aclient_function, _function = name),
                    func_name = aname,
                    module_name = cls.__module__,
                setattr(cls, aname, new_func)
            except Exception as e:
                print(f"Error adding method: {name} -> {aname}")
                raise e


    pattern: redis.typing.PatternT = "*", **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns a list of keys matching pattern

For more information see


lastsave(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return a Python datetime object representing the last time the Redis database was saved to disk

For more information see


latency_doctor() -> None

Raise a NotImplementedError, as the client will not support LATENCY DOCTOR. This funcion is best used within the redis-cli.

For more information see


latency_graph() -> None

Raise a NotImplementedError, as the client will not support LATENCY GRAPH. This funcion is best used within the redis-cli.

For more information see


latency_histogram(*args) -> None

This function throws a NotImplementedError since it is intentionally not supported.


    event: str,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns the raw data of the event's latency spikes time series.

For more information see


latency_latest() -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Reports the latest latency events logged.

For more information see


    *events: str,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Resets the latency spikes time series of all, or only some, events.

For more information see


    key1: str,
    key2: str,
    len: typing.Optional[bool] = False,
    idx: typing.Optional[bool] = False,
    minmatchlen: typing.Optional[int] = 0,
    withmatchlen: typing.Optional[bool] = False,
) -> typing.Union[str, int, list]

Find the longest common subsequence between key1 and key2. If len is true the length of the match will will be returned. If idx is true the match position in each strings will be returned. minmatchlen restrict the list of matches to the ones of the given minmatchlen. If withmatchlen the length of the match also will be returned. For more information see


lindex(name: str, index: int) -> typing.Union[

Return the item from list name at position index

Negative indexes are supported and will return an item at the end of the list

For more information see


    name: str, where: str, refvalue: str, value: str
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Insert value in list name either immediately before or after [where] refvalue

Returns the new length of the list on success or -1 if refvalue is not in the list.

For more information see


llen(name: str) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Return the length of the list name

For more information see


    first_list: str,
    second_list: str,
    src: str = "LEFT",
    dest: str = "RIGHT",
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Atomically returns and removes the first/last element of a list, pushing it as the first/last element on the destination list. Returns the element being popped and pushed.

For more information see


    num_keys: int,
    *args: typing.List[str],
    direction: str,
    count: typing.Optional[int] = 1
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[list], list]

Pop count values (default 1) first non-empty list key from the list of args provided key names.

For more information see


    name: str,
    timeout: typing.Optional[
    ] = None,
    sleep: typing.Optional[kvdb.types.generic.Number] = 0.1,
    blocking: typing.Optional[bool] = True,
    blocking_timeout: typing.Optional[
    ] = None,
    thread_local: typing.Optional[bool] = True,
) -> kvdb.components.lock.Lock

Create a new Lock instance named name using the Redis client supplied by keydb.

timeout indicates a maximum life for the lock in seconds. By default, it will remain locked until release() is called. timeout can be specified as a float or integer, both representing the number of seconds to wait.

sleep indicates the amount of time to sleep in seconds per loop iteration when the lock is in blocking mode and another client is currently holding the lock.

blocking indicates whether calling acquire should block until the lock has been acquired or to fail immediately, causing acquire to return False and the lock not being acquired. Defaults to True. Note this value can be overridden by passing a blocking argument to acquire.

blocking_timeout indicates the maximum amount of time in seconds to spend trying to acquire the lock. A value of None indicates continue trying forever. blocking_timeout can be specified as a float or integer, both representing the number of seconds to wait.

thread_local indicates whether the lock token is placed in thread-local storage. By default, the token is placed in thread local storage so that a thread only sees its token, not a token set by another thread.

Source code in kvdb/components/
def lock(
    name: str, 
    timeout: Optional[Number] = None,
    sleep: Optional[Number] = 0.1,
    blocking: Optional[bool] = True,
    blocking_timeout: Optional[Number] = None,
    thread_local: Optional[bool] = True,
) -> Lock:
    Create a new Lock instance named ``name`` using the Redis client
    supplied by ``keydb``.

    ``timeout`` indicates a maximum life for the lock in seconds.
    By default, it will remain locked until release() is called.
    ``timeout`` can be specified as a float or integer, both representing
    the number of seconds to wait.

    ``sleep`` indicates the amount of time to sleep in seconds per loop
    iteration when the lock is in blocking mode and another client is
    currently holding the lock.

    ``blocking`` indicates whether calling ``acquire`` should block until
    the lock has been acquired or to fail immediately, causing ``acquire``
    to return False and the lock not being acquired. Defaults to True.
    Note this value can be overridden by passing a ``blocking``
    argument to ``acquire``.

    ``blocking_timeout`` indicates the maximum amount of time in seconds to
    spend trying to acquire the lock. A value of ``None`` indicates
    continue trying forever. ``blocking_timeout`` can be specified as a
    float or integer, both representing the number of seconds to wait.

    ``thread_local`` indicates whether the lock token is placed in
    thread-local storage. By default, the token is placed in thread local
    storage so that a thread only sees its token, not a token set by
    another thread. 
    if name not in self.state.locks:
        self.state.locks[name] = Lock(
            name = name, 
            timeout = timeout, 
            sleep = sleep, 
            blocking = blocking, 
            blocking_timeout = blocking_timeout, 
            thread_local = thread_local
    if self.state.lock is None: self.state.lock = self.state.locks[name]
    return self.state.locks[name]


    *version_numbers: typing.Union[str, float], **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Get the Redis version and a piece of generative computer art



    name: str, count: typing.Optional[int] = None
) -> typing.Union[
    typing.Awaitable[typing.Union[str, typing.List, None]],
    typing.Union[str, typing.List, None],

Removes and returns the first elements of the list name.

By default, the command pops a single element from the beginning of the list. When provided with the optional count argument, the reply will consist of up to count elements, depending on the list's length.

For more information see


    name: str,
    value: str,
    rank: typing.Optional[int] = None,
    count: typing.Optional[int] = None,
    maxlen: typing.Optional[int] = None,
) -> typing.Union[str, typing.List, None]

Get position of value within the list name

If specified, rank indicates the "rank" of the first element to return in case there are multiple copies of value in the list. By default, LPOS returns the position of the first occurrence of value in the list. When rank 2, LPOS returns the position of the second value in the list. If rank is negative, LPOS searches the list in reverse. For example, -1 would return the position of the last occurrence of value and -2 would return the position of the next to last occurrence of value.

If specified, count indicates that LPOS should return a list of up to count positions. A count of 2 would return a list of up to 2 positions. A count of 0 returns a list of all positions matching value. When count is specified and but value does not exist in the list, an empty list is returned.

If specified, maxlen indicates the maximum number of list elements to scan. A maxlen of 1000 will only return the position(s) of items within the first 1000 entries in the list. A maxlen of 0 (the default) will scan the entire list.

For more information see


    name: str, *values: redis.typing.FieldT
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Push values onto the head of the list name

For more information see


    name: str, *values: redis.typing.FieldT
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Push value onto the head of the list name if name exists

For more information see


    name: str, start: int, end: int
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[list], list]

Return a slice of the list name between position start and end

start and end can be negative numbers just like Python slicing notation

For more information see


    name: str, count: int, value: str
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Remove the first count occurrences of elements equal to value from the list stored at name.

The count argument influences the operation in the following ways

count > 0: Remove elements equal to value moving from head to tail. count < 0: Remove elements equal to value moving from tail to head. count = 0: Remove all elements equal to value.

For more information see


    name: str, index: int, value: str
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[str], str]

Set element at index of list name to value

For more information see


    name: str, start: int, end: int
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[str], str]

Trim the list name, removing all values not within the slice between start and end

start and end can be negative numbers just like Python slicing notation

For more information see


) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return an internal statistics report from the memory allocator.



memory_purge(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Attempts to purge dirty pages for reclamation by allocator

For more information see


memory_stats(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return a dictionary of memory stats

For more information see


    key: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    samples: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return the total memory usage for key, its value and associated administrative overheads.

For nested data structures, samples is the number of elements to sample. If left unspecified, the server's default is 5. Use 0 to sample all elements.

For more information see


    keys: redis.typing.KeysT, *args: redis.typing.EncodableT
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns a list of values ordered identically to keys

For more information see


    host: str,
    port: int,
    keys: redis.typing.KeysT,
    destination_db: int,
    timeout: int,
    copy: bool = False,
    replace: bool = False,
    auth: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Migrate 1 or more keys from the current Redis server to a different server specified by the host, port and destination_db.

The timeout, specified in milliseconds, indicates the maximum time the connection between the two servers can be idle before the command is interrupted.

If copy is True, the specified keys are NOT deleted from the source server.

If replace is True, this operation will overwrite the keys on the destination server if they exist.

If auth is specified, authenticate to the destination server with the password provided.

For more information see


module_list() -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns a list of dictionaries containing the name and version of all loaded modules.

For more information see


module_load(path, *args) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Loads the module from path. Passes all *args to the module, during loading. Raises ModuleError if a module is not found at path.

For more information see


    path: str,
    options: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None,
    args: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Loads a module from a dynamic library at runtime with configuration directives.

For more information see


module_unload(name) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Unloads the module name. Raises ModuleError if name is not in loaded modules.

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, db: int
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Moves the key name to a different Redis database db

For more information see


    mapping: typing.Mapping[
        redis.typing.AnyKeyT, redis.typing.EncodableT
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Sets key/values based on a mapping. Mapping is a dictionary of key/value pairs. Both keys and values should be strings or types that can be cast to a string via str().

For more information see


    mapping: typing.Mapping[
        redis.typing.AnyKeyT, redis.typing.EncodableT
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Sets key/values based on a mapping if none of the keys are already set. Mapping is a dictionary of key/value pairs. Both keys and values should be strings or types that can be cast to a string via str(). Returns a boolean indicating if the operation was successful.

For more information see


    infotype: str, key: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return the encoding, idletime, or refcount about the key


overflow(overflow: str)

Update the overflow algorithm of successive INCRBY operations :param overflow: Overflow algorithm, one of WRAP, SAT, FAIL. See the Redis docs for descriptions of these algorithmsself. :returns: a :py:class:BitFieldOperation instance.


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Removes an expiration on name

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    time: kvdb.types.generic.ExpiryT,
    nx: bool = False,
    xx: bool = False,
    gt: bool = False,
    lt: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Set an expire flag on key name for time milliseconds with given option. time can be represented by an integer or a Python timedelta object.

Valid options are

NX -> Set expiry only when the key has no expiry XX -> Set expiry only when the key has an existing expiry GT -> Set expiry only when the new expiry is greater than current one LT -> Set expiry only when the new expiry is less than current one

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    when: redis.typing.AbsExpiryT,
    nx: bool = False,
    xx: bool = False,
    gt: bool = False,
    lt: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Set an expire flag on key name with given option. when can be represented as an integer representing unix time in milliseconds (unix time * 1000) or a Python datetime object.

Valid options are

NX -> Set expiry only when the key has no expiry XX -> Set expiry only when the key has an existing expiry GT -> Set expiry only when the new expiry is greater than current one LT -> Set expiry only when the new expiry is less than current one

For more information see


pexpiretime(key: str) -> int

Returns the absolute Unix timestamp (since January 1, 1970) in milliseconds at which the given key will expire.

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    *values: redis.typing.FieldT
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Adds the specified elements to the specified HyperLogLog.

For more information see


    *sources: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return the approximated cardinality of the set observed by the HyperLogLog at key(s).

For more information see


    dest: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    *sources: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Merge N different HyperLogLogs into a single one.

For more information see


ping(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Ping the Redis server

For more information see


    transaction: typing.Optional[bool] = True,
    shard_hint: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    retryable: typing.Optional[bool] = None,
) -> kvdb.components.pipeline.PipelineT

Return a new pipeline object that can queue multiple commands for later execution. transaction indicates whether all commands should be executed atomically. Apart from making a group of operations atomic, pipelines are useful for reducing the back-and-forth overhead between the client and server.

Source code in kvdb/components/
def pipeline(
    transaction: Optional[bool] = True, 
    shard_hint: Optional[str] = None, 
    retryable: Optional[bool] = None,
) -> PipelineT:
    Return a new pipeline object that can queue multiple commands for
    later execution. ``transaction`` indicates whether all commands
    should be executed atomically. Apart from making a group of operations
    atomic, pipelines are useful for reducing the back-and-forth overhead
    between the client and server.
    if retryable is None: retryable = self.settings.retry.pipeline_enabled
    return self.client.pipeline(transaction = transaction, shard_hint = shard_hint, retryable = retryable)


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    time_ms: kvdb.types.generic.ExpiryT,
    value: redis.typing.EncodableT,

Set the value of key name to value that expires in time_ms milliseconds. time_ms can be represented by an integer or a Python timedelta object

For more information see


psync(replicationid: str, offset: int)

Initiates a replication stream from the master. Newer version for sync.

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns the number of milliseconds until the key name will expire

For more information see


    channel: redis.typing.ChannelT,
    message: redis.typing.EncodableT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Publish message on channel. Returns the number of subscribers the message was delivered to.

For more information see


    retryable: typing.Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs
) -> kvdb.components.pubsub.PubSubT

Return a Publish/Subscribe object. With this object, you can subscribe to channels and listen for messages that get published to

Source code in kvdb/components/
def pubsub(
    retryable: Optional[bool] = None,
) -> PubSubT:
    Return a Publish/Subscribe object. With this object, you can
    subscribe to channels and listen for messages that get published to
    if retryable is None: retryable = self.settings.retry.pubsub_enabled
    return self.client.pubsub(retryable = retryable, **kwargs)


    pattern: redis.typing.PatternT = "*", **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return a list of channels that have at least one subscriber

For more information see


pubsub_numpat(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns the number of subscriptions to patterns

For more information see


    *args: redis.typing.ChannelT, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return a list of (channel, number of subscribers) tuples for each channel given in *args

For more information see


    pattern: redis.typing.PatternT = "*", **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return a list of shard_channels that have at least one subscriber

For more information see


    *args: redis.typing.ChannelT, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return a list of (shard_channel, number of subscribers) tuples for each channel given in *args

For more information see


quit(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Ask the server to close the connection.

For more information see


randomkey(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns the name of a random key

For more information see


readonly(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Enables read queries for a connection to a Redis Cluster replica node.

For more information see


readwrite(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Disables read queries for a connection to a Redis Cluster slave node.

For more information see


    script: redis.typing.ScriptTextT,
) -> redis.commands.core.Script

Register a Lua script specifying the keys it will touch. Returns a Script object that is callable and hides the complexity of deal with scripts, keys, and shas. This is the preferred way to work with Lua scripts.


    src: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    dst: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Rename key src to dst

For more information see


    src: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    dst: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,

Rename key src to dst if dst doesn't already exist

For more information see


replicaof(*args, **kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Update the replication settings of a redis replica, on the fly.

Examples of valid arguments include:

NO ONE (set no replication) host port (set to the host and port of a redis server)

For more information see


reset() -> None

Reset the state of the instance to when it was constructed


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    ttl: float,
    value: redis.typing.EncodableT,
    replace: bool = False,
    absttl: bool = False,
    idletime: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    frequency: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Create a key using the provided serialized value, previously obtained using DUMP.

replace allows an existing key on name to be overridden. If it's not specified an error is raised on collision.

absttl if True, specified ttl should represent an absolute Unix timestamp in milliseconds in which the key will expire. (Redis 5.0 or greater).

idletime Used for eviction, this is the number of seconds the key must be idle, prior to execution.

frequency Used for eviction, this is the frequency counter of the object stored at the key, prior to execution.

For more information see


role() -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Provide information on the role of a Redis instance in the context of replication, by returning if the instance is currently a master, slave, or sentinel.

For more information see


    name: str, count: typing.Optional[int] = None
) -> typing.Union[
    typing.Awaitable[typing.Union[str, typing.List, None]],
    typing.Union[str, typing.List, None],

Removes and returns the last elements of the list name.

By default, the command pops a single element from the end of the list. When provided with the optional count argument, the reply will consist of up to count elements, depending on the list's length.

For more information see


    src: str, dst: str
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[str], str]

RPOP a value off of the src list and atomically LPUSH it on to the dst list. Returns the value.

For more information see


    name: str, *values: redis.typing.FieldT
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Push values onto the tail of the list name

For more information see


    name: str, *values: str
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Push value onto the tail of the list name if name exists

For more information see


    name: str, *values: redis.typing.FieldT
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Add value(s) to set name

For more information see


save(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Tell the Redis server to save its data to disk, blocking until the save is complete

For more information see


    cursor: int = 0,
    match: typing.Union[redis.typing.PatternT, None] = None,
    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    _type: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Incrementally return lists of key names. Also return a cursor indicating the scan position.

match allows for filtering the keys by pattern

count provides a hint to Redis about the number of keys to return per batch.

_type filters the returned values by a particular Redis type. Stock Redis instances allow for the following types: HASH, LIST, SET, STREAM, STRING, ZSET Additionally, Redis modules can expose other types as well.

For more information see


    match: typing.Union[redis.typing.PatternT, None] = None,
    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    _type: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
) -> typing.Iterator

Make an iterator using the SCAN command so that the client doesn't need to remember the cursor position.

match allows for filtering the keys by pattern

count provides a hint to Redis about the number of keys to return per batch.

_type filters the returned values by a particular Redis type. Stock Redis instances allow for the following types: HASH, LIST, SET, STREAM, STRING, ZSET Additionally, Redis modules can expose other types as well.


    name: str,
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Return the number of elements in set name

For more information see


script_exists(*args: str) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Check if a script exists in the script cache by specifying the SHAs of each script as args. Returns a list of boolean values indicating if if each already script exists in the cache.

For more information see


    sync_type: typing.Union[
        typing.Literal["SYNC"], typing.Literal["ASYNC"]
    ] = None
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Flush all scripts from the script cache.

sync_type is by default SYNC (synchronous) but it can also be ASYNC.

For more information see


script_kill() -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Kill the currently executing Lua script

For more information see


    script: redis.typing.ScriptTextT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Load a Lua script into the script cache. Returns the SHA.

For more information see


    keys: typing.List, *args: typing.List
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[list], list]

Return the difference of sets specified by keys

For more information see


    dest: str, keys: typing.List, *args: typing.List
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Store the difference of sets specified by keys into a new set named dest. Returns the number of keys in the new set.

For more information see


    index: int, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Select the Redis logical database at index.



    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    value: redis.typing.EncodableT,
    ex: typing.Union[
        kvdb.types.generic.ExpiryT, None
    ] = None,
    px: typing.Union[
        kvdb.types.generic.ExpiryT, None
    ] = None,
    nx: bool = False,
    xx: bool = False,
    keepttl: bool = False,
    get: bool = False,
    exat: typing.Union[
        redis.typing.AbsExpiryT, None
    ] = None,
    pxat: typing.Union[
        redis.typing.AbsExpiryT, None
    ] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Set the value at key name to value

ex sets an expire flag on key name for ex seconds.

px sets an expire flag on key name for px milliseconds.

nx if set to True, set the value at key name to value only if it does not exist.

xx if set to True, set the value at key name to value only if it already exists.

keepttl if True, retain the time to live associated with the key. (Available since Redis 6.0)

get if True, set the value at key name to value and return the old value stored at key, or None if the key did not exist. (Available since Redis 6.2)

exat sets an expire flag on key name for ex seconds, specified in unix time.

pxat sets an expire flag on key name for ex milliseconds, specified in unix time.

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, offset: int, value: int
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Flag the offset in name as value. Returns an integer indicating the previous value of offset.

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    time: kvdb.types.generic.ExpiryT,
    value: redis.typing.EncodableT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Set the value of key name to value that expires in time seconds. time can be represented by an integer or a Python timedelta object.

For more information see


    key: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    value: typing.Any,
    ex: typing.Optional[kvdb.types.generic.ExpiryT] = None,
    **kwargs: typing.Any
) -> None

[Dict] Sets the value for the given key

Source code in kvdb/components/
def setitem(
    key: KeyT,
    value: Any,
    ex: Optional[ExpiryT] = None,
    **kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
    [Dict] Sets the value for the given key
    return self.persistence.set(key, value, ex = ex, **kwargs)


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    value: redis.typing.EncodableT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Set the value of key name to value if key doesn't exist

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    offset: int,
    value: redis.typing.EncodableT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Overwrite bytes in the value of name starting at offset with value. If offset plus the length of value exceeds the length of the original value, the new value will be larger than before. If offset exceeds the length of the original value, null bytes will be used to pad between the end of the previous value and the start of what's being injected.

Returns the length of the new string.

For more information see


    save: bool = False,
    nosave: bool = False,
    now: bool = False,
    force: bool = False,
    abort: bool = False,
) -> None

Shutdown the Redis server. If Redis has persistence configured, data will be flushed before shutdown. It is possible to specify modifiers to alter the behavior of the command: save will force a DB saving operation even if no save points are configured. nosave will prevent a DB saving operation even if one or more save points are configured. now skips waiting for lagging replicas, i.e. it bypasses the first step in the shutdown sequence. force ignores any errors that would normally prevent the server from exiting abort cancels an ongoing shutdown and cannot be combined with other flags.

For more information see


    keys: typing.List, *args: typing.List
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[list], list]

Return the intersection of sets specified by keys

For more information see


    numkeys: int, keys: typing.List[str], limit: int = 0
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Return the cardinality of the intersect of multiple sets specified by `keys.

When LIMIT provided (defaults to 0 and means unlimited), if the intersection cardinality reaches limit partway through the computation, the algorithm will exit and yield limit as the cardinality

For more information see


    dest: str, keys: typing.List, *args: typing.List
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Store the intersection of sets specified by keys into a new set named dest. Returns the number of keys in the new set.

For more information see


sismember(name: str, value: str) -> typing.Union[
        typing.Union[typing.Literal[0], typing.Literal[1]]
    typing.Union[typing.Literal[0], typing.Literal[1]],

Return whether value is a member of set name: - 1 if the value is a member of the set. - 0 if the value is not a member of the set or if key does not exist.

For more information see


    host: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
    port: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Set the server to be a replicated slave of the instance identified by the host and port. If called without arguments, the instance is promoted to a master instead.

For more information see


    num: typing.Union[int, None] = None, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Get the entries from the slowlog. If num is specified, get the most recent num items.

For more information see


slowlog_len(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Get the number of items in the slowlog

For more information see


slowlog_reset(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Remove all items in the slowlog

For more information see


    name: str,
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[typing.Set], typing.Set]

Return all members of the set name

For more information see


    name: str, values: typing.List, *args: typing.List
) -> typing.Union[
                typing.Literal[0], typing.Literal[1]
        typing.Union[typing.Literal[0], typing.Literal[1]]

Return whether each value in values is a member of the set name as a list of int in the order of values: - 1 if the value is a member of the set. - 0 if the value is not a member of the set or if key does not exist.

For more information see


    src: str, dst: str, value: str
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[bool], bool]

Move value from set src to set dst atomically

For more information see


    name: str,
    start: typing.Optional[int] = None,
    num: typing.Optional[int] = None,
    by: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    get: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None,
    desc: bool = False,
    alpha: bool = False,
    store: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    groups: typing.Optional[bool] = False,
) -> typing.Union[typing.List, int]

Sort and return the list, set or sorted set at name.

start and num allow for paging through the sorted data

by allows using an external key to weight and sort the items. Use an "*" to indicate where in the key the item value is located

get allows for returning items from external keys rather than the sorted data itself. Use an "*" to indicate where in the key the item value is located

desc allows for reversing the sort

alpha allows for sorting lexicographically rather than numerically

store allows for storing the result of the sort into the key store

groups if set to True and if get contains at least two elements, sort will return a list of tuples, each containing the values fetched from the arguments to get.

For more information see


    key: str,
    start: typing.Optional[int] = None,
    num: typing.Optional[int] = None,
    by: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    get: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None,
    desc: bool = False,
    alpha: bool = False,
) -> list

Returns the elements contained in the list, set or sorted set at key. (read-only variant of the SORT command)

start and num allow for paging through the sorted data

by allows using an external key to weight and sort the items. Use an "*" to indicate where in the key the item value is located

get allows for returning items from external keys rather than the sorted data itself. Use an "*" to indicate where in the key the item value is located

desc allows for reversing the sort

alpha allows for sorting lexicographically rather than numerically

For more information see


    name: str, count: typing.Optional[int] = None
) -> typing.Union[str, typing.List, None]

Remove and return a random member of set name

For more information see


    shard_channel: redis.typing.ChannelT,
    message: redis.typing.EncodableT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Posts a message to the given shard channel. Returns the number of clients that received the message

For more information see


    name: str, number: typing.Optional[int] = None
) -> typing.Union[str, typing.List, None]

If number is None, returns a random member of set name.

If number is supplied, returns a list of number random members of set name. Note this is only available when running Redis 2.6+.

For more information see


    name: str, *values: redis.typing.FieldT
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Remove values from set name

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    cursor: int = 0,
    match: typing.Union[redis.typing.PatternT, None] = None,
    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Incrementally return lists of elements in a set. Also return a cursor indicating the scan position.

match allows for filtering the keys by pattern

count allows for hint the minimum number of returns

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    match: typing.Union[redis.typing.PatternT, None] = None,
    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
) -> typing.Iterator

Make an iterator using the SSCAN command so that the client doesn't need to remember the cursor position.

match allows for filtering the keys by pattern

count allows for hint the minimum number of returns


    algo: typing.Literal["LCS"],
    value1: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    value2: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    specific_argument: typing.Union[
        typing.Literal["strings"], typing.Literal["keys"]
    ] = "strings",
    len: bool = False,
    idx: bool = False,
    minmatchlen: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    withmatchlen: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Implements complex algorithms that operate on strings. Right now the only algorithm implemented is the LCS algorithm (longest common substring). However new algorithms could be implemented in the future.

algo Right now must be LCS value1 and value2 Can be two strings or two keys specific_argument Specifying if the arguments to the algorithm will be keys or strings. strings is the default. len Returns just the len of the match. idx Returns the match positions in each string. minmatchlen Restrict the list of matches to the ones of a given minimal length. Can be provided only when idx set to True. withmatchlen Returns the matches with the len of the match. Can be provided only when idx set to True.

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return the number of bytes stored in the value of name

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, start: int, end: int = -1
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return a substring of the string at key name. start and end are 0-based integers specifying the portion of the string to return.


    keys: typing.List, *args: typing.List
) -> typing.Union[
    typing.Awaitable[typing.List], typing.List

Return the union of sets specified by keys

For more information see


    dest: str, keys: typing.List, *args: typing.List
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Store the union of sets specified by keys into a new set named dest. Returns the number of keys in the new set.

For more information see


    first: int, second: int, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Swap two databases

For more information see


sync() -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Initiates a replication stream from the master.

For more information see


    lib_name: str,
    func_name: str,
    keys: redis.typing.KeysT = None,
    *args: typing.List
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Invoke a function.

lib_name - the library name contains the function. func_name - the function name to run. keys - the keys that will be touched by the function. args - Additional argument to pass to the function.

For more information see


    lib_name: str,
    func_name: str,
    keys: redis.typing.KeysT = None,
    *args: typing.List
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Invoke an async function (coroutine).

lib_name - the library name contains the function. func_name - the function name to run. keys - the keys that will be touched by the function. args - Additional argument to pass to the function.

For more information see


    lib_name: str,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Delete a library from RedisGears.

lib_name the library name to delete.

For more information see


    with_code: bool = False,
    verbose: int = 0,
    lib_name: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

List the functions with additional information about each function.

with_code Show libraries code. verbose output verbosity level, higher number will increase verbosity level lib_name specifying a library name (can be used multiple times to show multiple libraries in a single command) # noqa

For more information see


    lib_code: str,
    replace: bool = False,
    config: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Load a new library to RedisGears.

lib_code - the library code. config - a string representation of a JSON object that will be provided to the library on load time, for more information refer to replace - an optional argument, instructs RedisGears to replace the function if its already exists

For more information see


time(**kwargs) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns the server time as a 2-item tuple of ints: (seconds since epoch, microseconds into this second).

For more information see


    *args: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Alters the last access time of a key(s) *args. A key is ignored if it does not exist.

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns the number of seconds until the key name will expire

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns the type of key name

For more information see

    *names: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Unlink one or more keys specified by names

For more information see


unwatch() -> None

Unwatches the value at key name, or None of the key doesn't exist

For more information see


    num_replicas: int, timeout: int, **kwargs
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Redis synchronous replication That returns the number of replicas that processed the query when we finally have at least num_replicas, or when the timeout was reached.

For more information see


    num_local: int,
    num_replicas: int,
    timeout: int,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

This command blocks the current client until all previous write commands by that client are acknowledged as having been fsynced to the AOF of the local Redis and/or at least the specified number of replicas.

For more information see


watch(*names: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT) -> None

Watches the values at keys names, or None if the key doesn't exist

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    groupname: redis.typing.GroupT,
    *ids: redis.typing.StreamIdT
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Acknowledges the successful processing of one or more messages. name: name of the stream. groupname: name of the consumer group. *ids: message ids to acknowledge.

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    fields: typing.Dict[
        redis.typing.FieldT, redis.typing.EncodableT
    id: redis.typing.StreamIdT = "*",
    maxlen: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    approximate: bool = True,
    nomkstream: bool = False,
    minid: typing.Union[
        redis.typing.StreamIdT, None
    ] = None,
    limit: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Add to a stream. name: name of the stream fields: dict of field/value pairs to insert into the stream id: Location to insert this record. By default it is appended. maxlen: truncate old stream members beyond this size. Can't be specified with minid. approximate: actual stream length may be slightly more than maxlen nomkstream: When set to true, do not make a stream minid: the minimum id in the stream to query. Can't be specified with maxlen. limit: specifies the maximum number of entries to retrieve

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    groupname: redis.typing.GroupT,
    consumername: redis.typing.ConsumerT,
    min_idle_time: int,
    start_id: redis.typing.StreamIdT = "0-0",
    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    justid: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Transfers ownership of pending stream entries that match the specified criteria. Conceptually, equivalent to calling XPENDING and then XCLAIM, but provides a more straightforward way to deal with message delivery failures via SCAN-like semantics. name: name of the stream. groupname: name of the consumer group. consumername: name of a consumer that claims the message. min_idle_time: filter messages that were idle less than this amount of milliseconds. start_id: filter messages with equal or greater ID. count: optional integer, upper limit of the number of entries that the command attempts to claim. Set to 100 by default. justid: optional boolean, false by default. Return just an array of IDs of messages successfully claimed, without returning the actual message

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    groupname: redis.typing.GroupT,
    consumername: redis.typing.ConsumerT,
    min_idle_time: int,
    message_ids: typing.Union[
    idle: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    time: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    retrycount: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    force: bool = False,
    justid: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Changes the ownership of a pending message.

name: name of the stream.

groupname: name of the consumer group.

consumername: name of a consumer that claims the message.

min_idle_time: filter messages that were idle less than this amount of milliseconds

message_ids: non-empty list or tuple of message IDs to claim

idle: optional. Set the idle time (last time it was delivered) of the message in ms

time: optional integer. This is the same as idle but instead of a relative amount of milliseconds, it sets the idle time to a specific Unix time (in milliseconds).

retrycount: optional integer. set the retry counter to the specified value. This counter is incremented every time a message is delivered again.

force: optional boolean, false by default. Creates the pending message entry in the PEL even if certain specified IDs are not already in the PEL assigned to a different client.

justid: optional boolean, false by default. Return just an array of IDs of messages successfully claimed, without returning the actual message

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    *ids: redis.typing.StreamIdT
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Deletes one or more messages from a stream. name: name of the stream. *ids: message ids to delete.

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    groupname: redis.typing.GroupT,
    id: redis.typing.StreamIdT = "$",
    mkstream: bool = False,
    entries_read: typing.Optional[int] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Create a new consumer group associated with a stream. name: name of the stream. groupname: name of the consumer group. id: ID of the last item in the stream to consider already delivered.

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    groupname: redis.typing.GroupT,
    consumername: redis.typing.ConsumerT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Consumers in a consumer group are auto-created every time a new consumer name is mentioned by some command. They can be explicitly created by using this command. name: name of the stream. groupname: name of the consumer group. consumername: name of consumer to create.



    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    groupname: redis.typing.GroupT,
    consumername: redis.typing.ConsumerT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Remove a specific consumer from a consumer group. Returns the number of pending messages that the consumer had before it was deleted. name: name of the stream. groupname: name of the consumer group. consumername: name of consumer to delete

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    groupname: redis.typing.GroupT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Destroy a consumer group. name: name of the stream. groupname: name of the consumer group.

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    groupname: redis.typing.GroupT,
    id: redis.typing.StreamIdT,
    entries_read: typing.Optional[int] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Set the consumer group last delivered ID to something else. name: name of the stream. groupname: name of the consumer group. id: ID of the last item in the stream to consider already delivered.

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    groupname: redis.typing.GroupT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns general information about the consumers in the group. name: name of the stream. groupname: name of the consumer group.

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns general information about the consumer groups of the stream. name: name of the stream.

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, full: bool = False
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns general information about the stream. name: name of the stream. full: optional boolean, false by default. Return full summary

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns the number of elements in a given stream.

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    groupname: redis.typing.GroupT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns information about pending messages of a group. name: name of the stream. groupname: name of the consumer group.

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    groupname: redis.typing.GroupT,
    min: redis.typing.StreamIdT,
    max: redis.typing.StreamIdT,
    count: int,
    consumername: typing.Union[
        redis.typing.ConsumerT, None
    ] = None,
    idle: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns information about pending messages, in a range.

name: name of the stream. groupname: name of the consumer group. idle: available from version 6.2. filter entries by their idle-time, given in milliseconds (optional). min: minimum stream ID. max: maximum stream ID. count: number of messages to return consumername: name of a consumer to filter by (optional).


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    min: redis.typing.StreamIdT = "-",
    max: redis.typing.StreamIdT = "+",
    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Read stream values within an interval.

name: name of the stream.

first stream ID. defaults to '-',

meaning the earliest available.

last stream ID. defaults to '+',

meaning the latest available.

if set, only return this many items, beginning with the

earliest available.

For more information see


    streams: typing.Dict[
        kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, redis.typing.StreamIdT
    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    block: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Block and monitor multiple streams for new data.

a dict of stream names to stream IDs, where

IDs indicate the last ID already seen.

if set, only return this many items, beginning with the

earliest available.

block: number of milliseconds to wait, if nothing already present.

For more information see


    groupname: str,
    consumername: str,
    streams: typing.Dict[
        kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, redis.typing.StreamIdT
    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    block: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    noack: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Read from a stream via a consumer group.

groupname: name of the consumer group.

consumername: name of the requesting consumer.

a dict of stream names to stream IDs, where

IDs indicate the last ID already seen.

if set, only return this many items, beginning with the

earliest available.

block: number of milliseconds to wait, if nothing already present. noack: do not add messages to the PEL

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    max: redis.typing.StreamIdT = "+",
    min: redis.typing.StreamIdT = "-",
    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Read stream values within an interval, in reverse order.

name: name of the stream

first stream ID. defaults to '+',

meaning the latest available.

last stream ID. defaults to '-',

meaning the earliest available.

if set, only return this many items, beginning with the

latest available.

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    maxlen: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    approximate: bool = True,
    minid: typing.Union[
        redis.typing.StreamIdT, None
    ] = None,
    limit: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Trims old messages from a stream. name: name of the stream. maxlen: truncate old stream messages beyond this size Can't be specified with minid. approximate: actual stream length may be slightly more than maxlen minid: the minimum id in the stream to query Can't be specified with maxlen. limit: specifies the maximum number of entries to retrieve

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    mapping: typing.Mapping[
        redis.typing.AnyKeyT, redis.typing.EncodableT
    nx: bool = False,
    xx: bool = False,
    ch: bool = False,
    incr: bool = False,
    gt: bool = False,
    lt: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Set any number of element-name, score pairs to the key name. Pairs are specified as a dict of element-names keys to score values.

nx forces ZADD to only create new elements and not to update scores for elements that already exist.

xx forces ZADD to only update scores of elements that already exist. New elements will not be added.

ch modifies the return value to be the numbers of elements changed. Changed elements include new elements that were added and elements whose scores changed.

incr modifies ZADD to behave like ZINCRBY. In this mode only a single element/score pair can be specified and the score is the amount the existing score will be incremented by. When using this mode the return value of ZADD will be the new score of the element.

LT Only update existing elements if the new score is less than the current score. This flag doesn't prevent adding new elements.

GT Only update existing elements if the new score is greater than the current score. This flag doesn't prevent adding new elements.

The return value of ZADD varies based on the mode specified. With no options, ZADD returns the number of new elements added to the sorted set.

NX, LT, and GT are mutually exclusive options.



    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return the number of elements in the sorted set name

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    min: redis.typing.ZScoreBoundT,
    max: redis.typing.ZScoreBoundT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns the number of elements in the sorted set at key name with a score between min and max.

For more information see


    keys: redis.typing.KeysT, withscores: bool = False
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns the difference between the first and all successive input sorted sets provided in keys.

For more information see


    dest: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, keys: redis.typing.KeysT
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Computes the difference between the first and all successive input sorted sets provided in keys and stores the result in dest.

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    amount: float,
    value: redis.typing.EncodableT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Increment the score of value in sorted set name by amount

For more information see


    keys: redis.typing.KeysT,
    aggregate: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
    withscores: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return the intersect of multiple sorted sets specified by keys. With the aggregate option, it is possible to specify how the results of the union are aggregated. This option defaults to SUM, where the score of an element is summed across the inputs where it exists. When this option is set to either MIN or MAX, the resulting set will contain the minimum or maximum score of an element across the inputs where it exists.

For more information see


    numkeys: int, keys: typing.List[str], limit: int = 0
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[int], int]

Return the cardinality of the intersect of multiple sorted sets specified by `keys. When LIMIT provided (defaults to 0 and means unlimited), if the intersection cardinality reaches limit partway through the computation, the algorithm will exit and yield limit as the cardinality

For more information see


    dest: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    keys: typing.Union[
        typing.Mapping[redis.typing.AnyKeyT, float],
    aggregate: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Intersect multiple sorted sets specified by keys into a new sorted set, dest. Scores in the destination will be aggregated based on the aggregate. This option defaults to SUM, where the score of an element is summed across the inputs where it exists. When this option is set to either MIN or MAX, the resulting set will contain the minimum or maximum score of an element across the inputs where it exists.

For more information see


zlexcount(name, min, max)

Return the number of items in the sorted set name between the lexicographical range min and max.

For more information see


    num_keys: int,
    keys: typing.List[str],
    min: typing.Optional[bool] = False,
    max: typing.Optional[bool] = False,
    count: typing.Optional[int] = 1,
) -> typing.Union[typing.Awaitable[list], list]

Pop count values (default 1) off of the first non-empty sorted set named in the keys list. For more information see


    key: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, members: typing.List[str]
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns the scores associated with the specified members in the sorted set stored at key. members should be a list of the member name. Return type is a list of score. If the member does not exist, a None will be returned in corresponding position.

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Remove and return up to count members with the highest scores from the sorted set name.

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Remove and return up to count members with the lowest scores from the sorted set name.

For more information see


    key: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    count: int = None,
    withscores: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return a random element from the sorted set value stored at key.

count if the argument is positive, return an array of distinct fields. If called with a negative count, the behavior changes and the command is allowed to return the same field multiple times. In this case, the number of returned fields is the absolute value of the specified count.

withscores The optional WITHSCORES modifier changes the reply so it includes the respective scores of the randomly selected elements from the sorted set.

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    start: int,
    end: int,
    desc: bool = False,
    withscores: bool = False,
    score_cast_func: typing.Union[
    ] = ...,
    byscore: bool = False,
    bylex: bool = False,
    offset: int = None,
    num: int = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return a range of values from sorted set name between start and end sorted in ascending order.

start and end can be negative, indicating the end of the range.

desc a boolean indicating whether to sort the results in reversed order.

withscores indicates to return the scores along with the values. The return type is a list of (value, score) pairs.

score_cast_func a callable used to cast the score return value.

byscore when set to True, returns the range of elements from the sorted set having scores equal or between start and end.

bylex when set to True, returns the range of elements from the sorted set between the start and end lexicographical closed range intervals. Valid start and end must start with ( or [, in order to specify whether the range interval is exclusive or inclusive, respectively.

offset and num are specified, then return a slice of the range. Can't be provided when using bylex.

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    min: redis.typing.EncodableT,
    max: redis.typing.EncodableT,
    start: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    num: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return the lexicographical range of values from sorted set name between min and max.

If start and num are specified, then return a slice of the range.

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    min: redis.typing.ZScoreBoundT,
    max: redis.typing.ZScoreBoundT,
    start: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    num: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    withscores: bool = False,
    score_cast_func: typing.Union[
    ] = ...,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return a range of values from the sorted set name with scores between min and max.

If start and num are specified, then return a slice of the range.

withscores indicates to return the scores along with the values. The return type is a list of (value, score) pairs

`score_cast_func`` a callable used to cast the score return value

For more information see


    dest: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    start: int,
    end: int,
    byscore: bool = False,
    bylex: bool = False,
    desc: bool = False,
    offset: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    num: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Stores in dest the result of a range of values from sorted set name between start and end sorted in ascending order.

start and end can be negative, indicating the end of the range.

byscore when set to True, returns the range of elements from the sorted set having scores equal or between start and end.

bylex when set to True, returns the range of elements from the sorted set between the start and end lexicographical closed range intervals. Valid start and end must start with ( or [, in order to specify whether the range interval is exclusive or inclusive, respectively.

desc a boolean indicating whether to sort the results in reversed order.

offset and num are specified, then return a slice of the range. Can't be provided when using bylex.

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    value: redis.typing.EncodableT,
    withscore: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns a 0-based value indicating the rank of value in sorted set name. The optional WITHSCORE argument supplements the command's reply with the score of the element returned.

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    *values: redis.typing.FieldT
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Remove member values from sorted set name

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    min: redis.typing.EncodableT,
    max: redis.typing.EncodableT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Remove all elements in the sorted set name between the lexicographical range specified by min and max.

Returns the number of elements removed.

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT, min: int, max: int
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Remove all elements in the sorted set name with ranks between min and max. Values are 0-based, ordered from smallest score to largest. Values can be negative indicating the highest scores. Returns the number of elements removed

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    min: redis.typing.ZScoreBoundT,
    max: redis.typing.ZScoreBoundT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Remove all elements in the sorted set name with scores between min and max. Returns the number of elements removed.

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    start: int,
    end: int,
    withscores: bool = False,
    score_cast_func: typing.Union[
    ] = ...,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return a range of values from sorted set name between start and end sorted in descending order.

start and end can be negative, indicating the end of the range.

withscores indicates to return the scores along with the values The return type is a list of (value, score) pairs

score_cast_func a callable used to cast the score return value

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    max: redis.typing.EncodableT,
    min: redis.typing.EncodableT,
    start: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    num: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return the reversed lexicographical range of values from sorted set name between max and min.

If start and num are specified, then return a slice of the range.

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    max: redis.typing.ZScoreBoundT,
    min: redis.typing.ZScoreBoundT,
    start: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    num: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    withscores: bool = False,
    score_cast_func: typing.Union[
    ] = ...,

Return a range of values from the sorted set name with scores between min and max in descending order.

If start and num are specified, then return a slice of the range.

withscores indicates to return the scores along with the values. The return type is a list of (value, score) pairs

score_cast_func a callable used to cast the score return value

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    value: redis.typing.EncodableT,
    withscore: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Returns a 0-based value indicating the descending rank of value in sorted set name. The optional withscore argument supplements the command's reply with the score of the element returned.

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    cursor: int = 0,
    match: typing.Union[redis.typing.PatternT, None] = None,
    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    score_cast_func: typing.Union[
    ] = ...,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Incrementally return lists of elements in a sorted set. Also return a cursor indicating the scan position.

match allows for filtering the keys by pattern

count allows for hint the minimum number of returns

score_cast_func a callable used to cast the score return value

For more information see


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    match: typing.Union[redis.typing.PatternT, None] = None,
    count: typing.Union[int, None] = None,
    score_cast_func: typing.Union[
    ] = ...,
) -> typing.Iterator

Make an iterator using the ZSCAN command so that the client doesn't need to remember the cursor position.

match allows for filtering the keys by pattern

count allows for hint the minimum number of returns

score_cast_func a callable used to cast the score return value


    name: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    value: redis.typing.EncodableT,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return the score of element value in sorted set name

For more information see


    keys: typing.Union[
        typing.Mapping[redis.typing.AnyKeyT, float],
    aggregate: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
    withscores: bool = False,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Return the union of multiple sorted sets specified by keys. keys can be provided as dictionary of keys and their weights. Scores will be aggregated based on the aggregate, or SUM if none is provided.

For more information see


    dest: kvdb.types.generic.KeyT,
    keys: typing.Union[
        typing.Mapping[redis.typing.AnyKeyT, float],
    aggregate: typing.Union[str, None] = None,
) -> redis.commands.core.ResponseT

Union multiple sorted sets specified by keys into a new sorted set, dest. Scores in the destination will be aggregated based on the aggregate, or SUM if none is provided.

For more information see