Create and Manage Caching with KVDB.
Cachify is a simple caching class that provides a context manager interface for caching objects, functions with flexibility in how you encode, decode, serialize, and compress your data.
Basic Usage
The following module provides an aliased interface to the KVDB Cachify
A Very basic demonstration of how to use cachify
Without any arguments, cachify will use the default settings and initialize
a default session.
Run this example:
# cwd: examples/caching
$ python basic.py
import time
import asyncio
from lazyops.utils.times import Timer
from kvdb.io import cachify
from kvdb.utils.logs import logger
@cachify.register(ttl = 10, verbosity = 2 if DEBUG_ENABLED else None, cache_max_size = 15)
async def async_fibonacci(number: int):
if number == 0: return 0
elif number == 1: return 1
return await async_fibonacci(number - 1) + await async_fibonacci(number - 2)
@cachify.register(ttl = 10, verbosity = 2 if DEBUG_ENABLED else None)
def fibonacci(number: int):
if number == 0: return 0
elif number == 1: return 1
return fibonacci(number - 1) + fibonacci(number - 2)
# No Cache Versions
async def async_fibonacci_nc(number: int):
if number == 0: return 0
elif number == 1: return 1
return await async_fibonacci_nc(number - 1) + await async_fibonacci_nc(number - 2)
def fibonacci_nc(number: int):
if number == 0: return 0
elif number == 1: return 1
return fibonacci_nc(number - 1) + fibonacci_nc(number - 2)
async def run_tests(
start_n: int = 1,
runs: int = 10,
print_every: int = 5,
Test that both results are the same.
t = Timer(format_ms=True)
# Test Sync
st = Timer(format_ms=True)
for i in range(runs):
r = fibonacci(start_n+i)
d = st.duration_s
if i % print_every == 0:
logger.info(f'[Sync - {i}/{runs}] Result: {r} | Time: {d}')
logger.info(f'[Sync] Cache Average Time: {st.total_average_s(runs)} | Total Time: {st.total_s}')
logger.info(fibonacci.cache_info(), prefix = '[Sync] Cache Info')
# Test Async
at = Timer(format_ms=True)
for i in range(runs):
r = await async_fibonacci(start_n+i)
d = at.duration_s
if i % print_every == 0:
logger.info(f'[Async - {i}/{runs}] Result: {r} | Time: {d}')
logger.info(f'[Async] Cache Average Time: {at.total_average_s(runs)} | Total Time: {at.total_s}')
logger.info(await async_fibonacci.cache_info(), prefix = '[Async] Cache Info')
logger.info(t.total_s, prefix = 'Total Time')
# Clear the Cache
# You can explictly call the function's internally wrapped
# methods to clear the cache.
logger.info(fibonacci.cache_info(), prefix = '[Sync] Cache Info')
await async_fibonacci.clear()
logger.info(await async_fibonacci.cache_info(), prefix = '[Async] Cache Info')
logger.info('Testing Non-Cached Functions')
t = Timer(format_ms=True)
# Test Sync
st = Timer(format_ms=True)
for i in range(runs):
r = fibonacci_nc(start_n+i)
d = st.duration_s
if i % print_every == 0:
logger.info(f'[Sync - {i}/{runs}] Result: {r} | Time: {d}')
logger.info(f'[Sync] Cache Average Time: {st.total_average_s(runs)} | Total Time: {st.total_s}')
# Test Async
at = Timer(format_ms=True)
for i in range(runs):
r = await async_fibonacci_nc(start_n+i)
d = at.duration_s
if i % print_every == 0:
logger.info(f'[Async - {i}/{runs}] Result: {r} | Time: {d}')
logger.info(f'[Async] Cache Average Time: {at.total_average_s(runs)} | Total Time: {at.total_s}')
logger.info(t.total_s, prefix = 'Total Time')
if __name__ == '__main__':
start_n = 5,
runs = 10,
print_every = 5,